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>>>>>Cross board quoting

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New Garrison
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holy gem lmfao





Lmao gem
More like this?



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Go to youtube and look a city you lived in or live in followed by the word diversity and share the results. I got chud results.

Eg:-San Francisco diversity


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I live in the most progressive city in florida


Data mining thread

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a man in his own lane


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>Lgbt flags
Why are Jews like this?


Du they can be you fucking chud

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i hate bright lights too, it gets worse as you age.


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Hohols be like:




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>Hohols be like:

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Neat design on that flag! Does it mean something?




hrm wuite keyed I must say

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is this alarming to anyone else? someone being blackmailed by the government like this? remind you of anything?
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crazy how this fucker has the same sort of material as the fuckers post here.
absolutely crazy


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just a coincidence


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its merely coincidence


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purely coincidence

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>automation starts to eliminate the well paying factory jobs that were highly sought after by blue-collar workers
>lol, you should have gone to college and gotten a job that involves your brain like writing or art
>kiosks start to replace humans in retail and fast food, the first job for the majority of the working class
>lol, you should have gone to college and gotten a job that involves your brain like writing or art
>AI starts being used to generate crappy artwork and gibberish texts
I for one look forward to the day when they finally manage to make a court case out of it, and get stuck trying to explain to a judge why AI seeing their artwork and using it as a base to create another piece of art is that much different than a person seeing their artwork and then drawing something similar. Or VA's trying to explain why AI doing their voice is that much different than a human doing an impersonation of them. MUH FEELS doesn't hold much legal weight in court, so they will actually need to come up with some logic and reasoning.
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I remember there was once a Milton Friedman quote where he visited a job site where they were digging a ditch with shovels. Friedman asks the foreman why they don't just use heavy machinery because they could get the job done quicker and with less men. The foreman replies "sir this is a jobs program", so Friedman replies "oh, why not get rid of the shovels and give them spoons then?"
This is exactly what artists and writers complaining about with AI, they're mad that a computer can do what they do except much better and with less time involved. They are seething with rage that a computer can write something better than a reboot of a 90s franchise with race swapped characters and milquetoast social commentary.
The thing is maybe people would be more sympathetic to creative destruction taking their jobs if they didn't spend the last 10 years telling truckers and farmers to "learn to code", life comes at you fast you fucking niggers


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I like AI because it will lead to total independence from kike media.


Now you can reproduce the media they dangled in front of your eyes all your life with the AI models they also built. Good job goy


Yes I can reclaim the media from their grubby kike hands and recreate it in my own image using technology, pretty neat.

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thoughts on twitter welfare? even porn accounts with 200k followers are making 2000$ a month with twitter welfare


no1 thinks this is important?
millions of twitter accounts now receive welfare from (((twitter)))


Am I retarded or I could bot network on Twitter and make thousands of dollari?


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you can bot followers/likes etc quite easily to gain popularity but you still need actual viewers for the ad revenue I believe. Im not 100% how it works


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so close to the 420


is this like users just posting someone elses porn or users posting their own pornography and getting money?

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