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/pol/ - Politics

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What exactly makes Whites superior all other races?
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if it was wrong, all his enemies during his time would have called him out,and guess what, they didnt.also women used to be pretty grown for their age at the time. if she bleeds, she is able to marry.
>you fuck goats
idk where this legend first started to spread,but it spread like wildfire .probably some shia nigger in iran.


The white race is defined by Indo-European (Aryan) genetic stock. Nordics are the whitest because they have the purest genetics (70%+ Aryan ancestry), Followed closely by Germans, Celts and Slavs, and more distantly still by Meds and Inranic goups (Kurds, Persians & Pashtuns). Its a sliding scale because no one is of purely white ancestry, just more or less white. Hence why the girl pictured in >>61983 looks white. But whiteness isn't the end all be all, I'd rather associate with Mongoloids than pozzed Swedes or Californians.


da joows



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>African National Socialism postulates that the children of the Black God of Africa have a date with destiny. We shall recreate the glories of ancient Egypt, Ethiopia and Nubia. It is natural that the children of Mother Africa scattered in the great diaspora, will cleave together once more. It seems certain that the world will, one day, be faced with the black cry for an African “Anschluss” and the resolute demand for African “Lebensraum. - Marcus Mosiah Garvey
wat did he mean by this
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you're American nigger you should be deported to the afterlife


Meds, he never said this


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>We have a desert dweller in the chat


I dont actually live in a desert doe, Im a plains man


Rapebaby of Spanish
under foreign rule for 100 years

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turkey unironically started Total Syrian Death, and the whole MENA are losing their shit about it. any turkish anons can clarify? are you really forcefully deporting them?
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it's a front to keep his people with him, it worked since 63
it's his dad but yes he sold it,they're allies with kikrael
purple skinned
idk why you are backing your answer with larping as a sheikh retard, even shia niggers dont like jews and say women need to cover their shit
I dont support immigration myself, Islam today is spreading in non traditional means, it was usually spread either by conquests if the nation refuses to pay Jizya.or through trade, if you see indonesia, not a single battle was waged against them yet they stand today as the biggest muslim country with 200+peeps. immigrants . today, most of those who immigrate are retards and do not represent us.they ignore also that the country that accepted to give them refuge,expect something in return from them, instead you have gangs of us in the netherlands,and france,they see this as paying back for colonialism,which is retarded since innocent europeans suffer. I wouldnt have made this thread if about the french revolts, and whine why did le evil cop kill le innocent algerian. sure turkey received 3.5 million syrians and they can decide wether to return them or not. but that man there will only take revenge on em since they revolted.he transformed the whole country into a drug factory, and even his supporters eat today from garbage in the syrian coast



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I guess. but that doesnt change so much anyway,0.5 to 0.8 million still died from both sides, and the population is stranded


>today, most of those who immigrate are retards and do not represent us.they ignore also that the country that accepted to give them refuge,expect something in return from them, instead you have gangs of us in the netherlands,and france,they see this as paying back for colonialism,which is retarded since innocent europeans suffer
This is why I am against immigration, maybe being ok with european ones because of cultural similarities thus making integration easier. I dislike those of them who immigrate and also refuse to integrate with the local culture and instead bring violence and temper tantrums while excusing their behaviour with "muh colonialism" even though their arab ancestors also were slave owners, making them hypocrites. Also it was mostly the (((rich company owners))) who owned and imported slaves, it rarely benefitted the normal citizens at all who now had less jobs avaiable.
A couple of years ago, some "asylum seeker" who had just arrived with almost nothing some months ago back then, already lived in a big apartment, his dad had an expensive Mercedes and according to him he also got a playstation 4 for free, I am not even making this up. We are treated like second class citizens in out own country and are supposed to just "suck it up" whenever they disobey law, because it never applies to them. Unless it becomes too extreme like murder or something(not attempted, they just get a harsh talking to), in which case they get max 4 years in our "prisons" that were designed to reform norwegians, not for foreign parasites who treat it like a free vacation because it's not a real punishment for them compared to what they have back home.
They are also extremely racist towards other non-arab minorities, who are not allowed to fight back because fighting racism with racism against le poor poor asylum seeker makes you le nazi even when you or a lot of your family belong to a group that would have been killed by them.


What I can confirm, is that LITERALLY NO turk likes any brownier man coming here, expect Techir Law (look it up) 2.0 soon

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Jews rejected Christ and rejected salvation. Zionism is not Christianity. Protestantism is not Christianity. Jews worship Moloch.
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>He will fulfill them in the second coming.
yes, he will make a glorious return where he will "smite the Gentiles" and turn out to be the great ally of the Jews, not the enemy which they had thought him to be. And he will be instrumental in fulfilling the Prophecies of a Jewish world government ruled from Jerusalem, as it is written in Isaiah.
As I already wrote, he will see to it that every Christian will be beheaded as punishment for the crime of idolatry.

In fact, according to the Vilna Gaon, whose disciples laid the groundwork for the modern state of Israel, the Messiah ben Yosef has been reincarnating over and over every generation, and has in fact been the driving force behind Zionism for hundreds of years.


>he will "smite the Gentiles"
Got this information from the book of Enoch?


>Veneration isn't worship. Iconography isn't idolatry. When you venerate an icon, you show love to the person depicted not the wood they're painted on.
It's still worshiping another human that is God's creation.
There you may say "but we pray to them so they'll pray for us to God". Then go ahead read 1 Tim 2,5 and post your conclusion.


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btw your HEQQIN BASED AND TRAD Orthodox Church is one of the biggest enablers of Zionism, the Knesset is built on land leased from them, and they keep giving away more and more of the Israeli land and real-estate that they own to Jews


>It's still worshiping another human that is God's creation.
No, it's not. That's what >>61622 explains. Worship and veneration are very different. The saints are holy people, what's wrong with showing respect of them?

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Chuds dream girlfriend
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Wait until you find out that i can also speak german




Nose should be bigger


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Unrealistic shes not boney

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centrists are just leftists who know they're wrong


Centrists are niggers who want to legalize rape


rapists are just centrists who want to legalize being a nigger


centrists are just a-political people pretending to understand anything.


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>n-not those statistics
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Le 13/50 is le hecking based!! Amiright fellow r/4chan redditxisters??


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Does that make it any better in your mind?


L9 B4s9d NvmB9r

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Please help is stuck in box
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she's dead João


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Rest in peace


meds, you can survive like 60 days before dying of starvation




nice I guess

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I’m in /pol/ what do I do now Dino poster


you post your political garbage nobody cares about here obviously


Ok then

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Why are there zero finnishGODS on the sharty now


Because i think racebait is banned now


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