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/pol/ - Politics

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Trannies are literally just fags who parade around as something they're not. This could mean that if they are already wearing a mask that even their own existence is just a mask of nova cultural destruction.


yeah i'm thinking you're just jealous of trans girls


jealous of what? the never ending depression and dissonance of never being a woman? everyone laughing behind your back? YWNBAW and your family will bury you with your real name

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Why does media hate white men so much today?
65 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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bbc summoning ritual


yup, jealousy is a powerful feeling


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like clockwork

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>Hobby: Geopolitics


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>Hobby: Paleontology


shut up nigga


keep talking cracker


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>Hobby: Geopolitics


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>Hobby: Traveling

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is this real?



no, he lost...

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give me 1000 Robux - bigtimi20111


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>let my son get robux and like make him post chud hate something something and then say his vagina is like a axe or something....transgenders are a american thing........


Kill yourself self hating faggot

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chud sisters....



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 61781[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

jewish people are white people
131 posts and 54 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Ever played a vidya game or seen an old show where the good guy has an evil twin? Pretty much that.


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>and DA YYYYYYYYTTTTT'SSSSSSS le bad or however the chicken is fried


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To anyone downtrodden by this unholy evil, keep your chin up, and raise your head high. You are the hope for humanity. You are what can rid the world of these tyrants. Heil Hitler!

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Does anybody on here have Xbox Live and want to play a game?




No, but I have Steam.


Hit me up on XBL

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I'm genuinely curious what is his platform?


BNWO, white replacement, BBC, white extinction, jewish supremacism

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Crowder-cisters, what's this???

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