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/pol/ - Politics

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Humans owe me food.






Mhhmmm I like big Germanic cock in my wopmutt bussy


falseflagging brownoid above me


Disregard that I suck cocks

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anyone else think this video looks a little off? some uncanny valley things occurring. I think this might be a CGI animated video which conspiracy theorists have been making videos saying this for years
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i thought the same but thought it was my imagination
his mouth looks really off


I don't notice anything wrong. Am I just a boomer?


Yes, so what is likely taking place in this video is that Putin is likely in front of a green screen either on his plane or private train


Its not like they haven't been doing this for years don't act surprised


Yes you are a boomer gtfo

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Hey guys, Leafy here. Just wanna let you know I'm fighting Idubbbz live on Rumble and will be trained in boxing techniques by Sam Hyde. Trannies will be seething and coping, so I hope you'll tune in. I think your memes are pretty funny too lol. I know it's mostly irony and you guys aren't really racist. Anyways, have a good day guys.
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what a beautiful handsome man who has sex all the time


LeafyGOD won already


the lack of chin is a definite advantage in boxing


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>what an ugky fucking incel


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why cant britain just kill themselves already? they are the gayest countries ever to exist they are literally globohomo
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holy fuck this website needs to fix their geoip


Tragic! Oh well. As the Shitalians say "Cest la Vida" or something.



They are getting pretty close, just wait kimo sabi

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blud is blue dabadeedabada ??


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Ofcourse I have a source.


all fake btw


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>all fake btw



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Ukraine 'cord woke up


And then?

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delete pol
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chudGOD canonically supports trans rights (they are repressed).
bahleet /pol/, NOW.


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>delete pol


Underrated thread

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are Turks Aryan?
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Watch this nigger pull up with the most irrelevant picture and relate it to alawites


Go back to the chicken coop, you retarded faggot, and learn how to read, because i never fucking said they are white


ARYANtalian GOD i fucking kneel!...


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I hope Putin wipes ankara off the face of the earth you roach


Caucasian, maybe. Aryan. No

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The cuckolding phenomenon, that is seemingly rampant nowadays, is the byproduct of weak willed men spawned from modern society. This, in itself, should make you realize that we are not headed in the right direction.

We can see this with millenilols, zoomers and it's only a matter of time before we see a wave of porn brained cuckolds in gen alpha.


i don't like neturalplier but important


What do you care? Unless you're a faggot it means more pussy for you.

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>Stufy in the research field of haplogroups (but only the Y-DNA)


Why no pics of sand niggers? They are true euros now.

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