In the small, desolate town of Black Hollow, an eerie legend whispered among the locals about a man named Cobson. He was said to be cursed with a terrifying affliction that distorted his very face. His eyes and mouth were said to be upside down, resembling a grotesque and disconcerting version of the Thatcher Effect. The townspeople were so disturbed by his appearance that they shunned him, driving Cobson into solitude.
It was on a dreary autumn night that a group of curious teenagers decided to test the veracity of the legend. Drawn by a mix of morbid fascination and teenage bravado, they ventured deep into the woods, where Cobson was rumored to reside. As they journeyed further into the darkness, the air seemed to thicken with an ominous presence, and the distant hoots of owls added to the sense of foreboding.
Eventually, the teens stumbled upon an old, dilapidated cabin. Peering through its shattered windows, they saw the silhouette of a man inside, his back turned to them. They hesitated, but curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to approach the cabin, wanting to see if the legend was true.
As they knocked on the cabin door, the eerie sound echoed through the stillness of the night. Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior. Cobson stood before them, his face hidden in shadow, and the faint glimmer of candlelight danced in the reflection of his eyes.
With trembling voices, the teenagers asked, "Are you Cobson? Do you really have your eyes and mouth upside down?"
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