Gemmy autismerald
My thoughts:
1 000 000BP - Ancestral is homo heidelbergensis
1 000 000BP - Ancestral split into the most niggerish race (stem 2) that stayed in West Africa and one less niggerish (stem 1) that went to East Africa
700 000 BP - part of East African heidelbergensis went to Eurasia and became Neanderthal and Denisovan varieties, another part stays in Africa becoming homo rhodesiensis
300 000 BP - homo rhodesiensis become homo sapiens, gradually splits into Khoisanoid and Negroeurasianoid
100 000 BP - Negroeurasianoid mutts with 2 existing human (homo sapiens) races
70 000 BP - Mainstream negroids split from Ethioeurasianoids
65 000 BP - Eurasians and Ethiopic-Nilotics split
20 000 BP - negroids move to West Africa and absorbs the most niggeric homo heidelbergensis
10 000 BP - some Middle Easterns mutts with proto-Negroids making Kishites
1000 BC - mainstream Negroids genocide Khoisanoids