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>you will live in pods
>you will eat the bugs
>you will wear uniforms
>you will own nothing
>you will raise your kids in communes

and now
>you will live without electricity

what's next /pol/?


there is nothing wrong with living without electricity. your ancestors did it for millions of years and so can you.


you finna smd, yo corny ass white incel nigguh


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>what's next /pol/?
we will live in country houses
we will eat organic meat and dairy
we will dress like it's the 1940s
we will own everything we use
we will raise our kids in NAPOLA schools
we will have free electricity from nuclear power plants

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>right wingers aren't BBC poste-


kek tell me this isnt real

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Old thread: >>11817
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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads. Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.



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> Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads. Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.

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>being this mindbroken

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 64509[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new 'toss
160 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


im broke and theres no way to go to russia now


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Chud won troon lost

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Wtf? I thought you were one of the whiter parts of the UK?
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Eastern Europe I should have specified


The uk will collapse potentially in the coming year with England remaining wonder where all these migrants will go when the depression hits


no part of this country is white
not a single part.


the new language here called nigger


lol, that image. Some trash women tried to beat nature and got btfo by nature. If they don't SIDS their bastard-mutts they deserve every bit of suffering they endure.

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>Ukrainian streamers torture their mate for donations
why are there onions and potatoes behind them?


who are they?


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I miss video like this on sharty


This is so sigma…

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>btfo the trooncels
>names the jew (john money)
>creates soyjamz like why do good girls like bad guys and my life is like a video game
>just all around based as fuck.
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Yes. Problem Moshe?


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Yes. Problem Kike?



Nussoycucks killed this shithole with their pedo faggotry, self inserting, janny worship and much more.

i sincerely hope everyone on this website kills themselves and their parents find theri bodies and either laugh or they are traumatised so much that they kill themselves
i eish death on every fucking loser who uses this website.you will never be qa and you ran this fucking shit hole into the ground and carvbed a glorified discord server out of it (when youre not making cord servers yourselves)

what has came out of this website? what memes can you call your own? all of them are dogshit but youve killed them all beecause of your inane cooooooord paranoia

zellig, cado, babyjaks, smugjak, soylita, touhou, trannynamefags, bocchi, pepe, cobson, dancing jews, alien quoting, froge, fruitjaks, gigachad, amerimutt, dilbert, omgsisa, soy lingo, troonjaks, making fun of 4cuck, soot and many more were memes that have been stolen, were unfunny, ran into the ground because you cant let memes die or came from discord (least likely, mind, not every tranny that has a cord account wants to waste their short, miserable lfe here, but a soycvchk will, but it wont be short)
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based but what did harry hill do

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How do goyim subhuman beasts cope with not being literally chosen by God? I know they believe in some retarded whoreson black magic crucified heretic (who is being boiled alive in pig shit in hell), but thats about it


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They draw this


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>Christjak was the true soysiah (soy messiah) after all


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KikeCHADS stay winning


>all proxies
glowie shill thread

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