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Why do retard leftists in France keep voting for open borders? Why didn't they vote for Le Penn?
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Le Pen is cucked as fuck and her daughter is a filthy coal burner, Zemmour was a way better option because he actually pledged to deport swarthoids and made white demographics a center issue on his campaign


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Isn't he a jew albeit?


>Le Pen is cucked as fuck and her daughter is a filthy coal burner, Zemmour was a way better option because he actually pledged to deport swarthoids and made white demographics a center issue on his campaign
There is something you miss. The political establishment (that is to say the bureaucracy, the government employees etc etc) NEVER lets right wing parties actually conduct their policies or execute their mandate. This is why all right wing and populist parties end up being a complete crash and burn mess when they reach power. You need a stop gap like Le Pen before your guy can get in and make changes


Zemmour is an ultra zionist jew who was seething about arabs kicking him out of his home country more than he was about demographic change

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Polish chud and chudela
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was not his fault was Albania's


It was quite different, he put the bottle on a stuck on the ground first, using the force of the ground to push it in instead of his own hands with is why he got hurt so badly.



Built for Big Bottle Cock


Wait if you're a serb and ur flag here is Bosnia are you from Republika Srpska or?

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What is biden doing here?


one of the strangest videos i have ever seen, like what actually was he trying to do here, the other videos have some explanation but here its is very strange

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What if they actually won? what would be your guys main roles
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The only thing that mussolini wouldve got was position of gauleiter in north italy after Germany annexed it. Most of muslim countries would be freely independent working together with the reich.


in reality you'd probably be sucking italian cock for a living, meme country dog


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How exactly was he planning to do this. Was it just gonna be like the old days. With black only toilets and shit. Or is it a separate state just for niggers. What is black separatism's goal
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He also took a sociology class and wrote about how shitlibby it was which I was surprised about since it was the 30's and shouldn't have been so subverted



Another Liberia? Huh. I bet they fuck it up and later demand they get merged back
I read it was to make him get a hardcore base around him then flatten it out to the other normies. Maybe if he lived longer it would have worked


a jew fucked your great great great grandmother


he wasn’t planning to do it anytime during his lifetime. he admitted that. he just planned to get the ball rolling, and he did.

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so did the moon landing actually happen or




All of the "evidence" against the moon landing is hand picked. Cease your investigation.




Probably yes but its funny to trigger amerimonkeys and science worshipers



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Migrant man pulls up skirt of random white frenchwoman then slaps her ass. Friends laugh
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She looks ugly and coal anyways


high test


But he will end up doing this to potential tradwives. To your mothers.

It's critical.


Probably will make them hate niggers


No. Because tradwives won't leave the house unaccompanied or wear short skirts outside.

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ok, it was murder

Sure, it was intentional

but… how was it RACIST?
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they showed only the last 10 seconds of the whole thing in TV to make it seem like Chauvin killed the poor oppressed nigger for no reason


tsmt. the whole racial justice bullshit relied on people not watching the full video and blindly believing the coroner's report (which labeled his death a homicide due to obvious political pressure)


give full vid


OP is the reason why the riots and rigged trial happened, Amerimutts are stupid niggers.


Literally because they were told to. All semi annual nigger riots are orchestrated by intelligence agencies. All the way back to mlk and civil rights it's been fake.

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▶Day: 505 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Russian Major General Ivan Popov, commander of the 58th army (Tokmak direction) was removed from his post "for speaking the truth"
>France Agrees to send Ukraine long-range SCALP missiles
>Germany agrees on another weapons aid package worth 700 million Euro.
>Deputy commander of the Southern Military District, Lieutenant General Oleg Tsokov killed in Storm Shadow strike.
>Turkey announces approval of Sweden's accession to NATO
>The deputy head of the city department for mobilisation work is shot dead in Krasnodar.
>Azovstal POWs return home from Turkey
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>the russian vatnik shill is a paki


>no flag
probably whiter than you if thats the case


you know ukraine voted to condemn the quran burnings


I don't care about what two countries full of slavs are up to


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