>>63048>You are a retard to think that orthodox "symbolism" was establishe by "the first pope"So you deny the massive influence Peter had on the early Church?
>catholicism was created in 11th ceantry, before that there was no "pope"Western Christians actually started referring to the Bishop of Rome as the Pope and to Peter as the first among them long before the schism. But that's irrelevant to the actual point.
The leadership of Peter forms the basis of the Apostolic succession and the institutional power of orthodoxy, he is the source of legitimacy for both branches of the Church:
>Rabbinical Judaism came 5 ceantries after christianity and has preverted the teaching of christ and the israelites, who are aryans and have almsot nothing to do with the modern jews.Absolutely delusional nonsense to help you cope with the fact that you worship a foreign god who disdains you.
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Atheist board
christianity is marxism, it is global homo, it opens the doors to all the third world shit skins to come into your country. jesus is a jew, studied judaism, went to synagogue and was a rabi. after twenty years of his execution some other rabis took his name and made it into a religion to appeal to goym and control rome. look at all the christian countries, all full of shitskin swamp trolls. follow Odin and he would tell you to slaughter these invading trolls from your land.