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/pol/ - Politics

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its over chudbros


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erm actully my little dark age edits have converted millions of children


twitter Tr**n


NAS political coal


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>poltroon coal


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Isnt the average age of muttland going up thoughbeit


Even doe zoomers are all racist chuds


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I turned 18 this year, who should I vote for in 2024 mutt elections?


voting doesnt work, live off-grid and cut yourself from society


Who best aligns with your values?
If the answer is neither who will upset trannies the most?


they will vote red because all teens support tnd


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if a tranny runs vote for xer, we need mandatory dilation and genital mutilation


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'anye 'est would be funny
>voting doesnt work, live off-grid and cut yourself from society


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Im turning 18 before the election. I will be voting blue.


>that image
Controlled Jewish rat opposition doe


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>vote for the funny nigger, man



I say this


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>vote for the funny nigger, man


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based janny, now do this every time anyone reports something for "keep >>>/pol/ in >>>/pol/" instead of banning them for 24 hours


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>Goodbye Republicans. Your damn days are numbered.
>Republicans get voted out, more dems get voted in, as the United States is overall more liberal socially and politically among those 30 and below
>The 'dems fuck up somehow


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>dinoposter was right


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>'anye 'est would be funny
>>voting doesnt work, live off-grid and cut yourself from society


so like every other year? big deal


this 18 year old will vote republican just because


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>Republicans Vs. Democrats


even doe zoomers are being chuddified at a staggering rate


not women
they will do anything to retain their right to kill infants


that is sadly true :c
more efforts should go into mindbreaking xoomer women into chuddism


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This is unironically why conservatism is a sinking ship. They refuse to answer questions about race because most of their adherents are 60+ year old boomers who have been indoctrinated through college and hollywood for decades and probably never have to deal with niggers anyways. The people who are going to get fucked the hardest by demographic shift in the next 10 years are the white zoomie poorfags forced to live with nonwhites slowly turning their neighborhood into whatever third world shithole they came from.


Please do not turn this whole site into 4chinnz pol coal. Like how 4chinnz got taken over by vanilla gorillas from reddit and now nothing is allowed to be funny anymore just super serious whining and doomerism and psychotic threats of violence. Most white guys are low iq wigger thugs anyway so who cares about this race nonsense and muh politics bs


green party



4cuck pol is coal because its full of genuine autists that think every bait post is LE SHILL, not because they dont pretend niggers arent animals


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>implying republicans are good

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