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>Why do good girls like Black guys? I've had this question for a real long time
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You are such a fucking loser that it's your fetish. You're so disgusting you should kill yourself your nutless little freak. You have bugs in your skin. You can fly, so jump.




he's right, do you really think white women dont whore themselves to niggers? why are you defending race traitors?


becouse stacy took all the BWC so they settle for BBC instead

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I kinda think the whole "transgender problem" as far as the UK's concerned at least is mostly a psyop

>The stuff with puberty blockers has been happening since the 1990s, but has only recently has it been given media attention. This isn't to say this means it therefore isn't bad, only that it's clearly only recently being called to public attention for a specific purpose

>A lot of obviously fake stories are cranked out by the news exaggerating the issue. E.g. in the UK you have loads of dailymail stories about x pedophile or x sex offender who supposedly transitioned to female before arrest, even though under the NHS there's a years long waiting list for gender-clinics and in the courts it can be comparably lengthy to get your gender legally changed. You can't do this all last-minute before arrest.
>Children getting SRS is definitely fake. It (thankfully) isn't even physically possible to give SRS to a child. 1 year of HRT is required for the surgery to work properly and HRT doesn't work on children due to their underdeveloped endocrine systems. There also isn't enough genitalia on a child to transition in the first place. It isn't developed enough so there isn't enough flesh for the surgeon to work with

Here's the real kicker.
All discourse of the transgender problem in the UK press surrounds altering the 2010 Equality Act, whether it ought to be altered to defend the rights of women or of transsexauls. This is the main piece of legislation used to hurt the right-wingers in the UK. It makes dealing with race-matters and immigration a nightmare for the right wing, and even helps to protect the LGBT movement itself!
If the equality act is altered in favor of women's rights over that of transsexuals (the supposed right-wing victory) then the UK right wing is gonna start being objectively in support of the Equality Act, which will be the ultimate political cuckoldry. The importance of the act in resolving this social conflict will make it much more difficult to get the act removed in parliament.
Speaking of political-cuckoldry, what's with all of the radical feminists who were the literal bra-burners of the 60s suddenly being accepted into conservativism or even dissident-rightism?
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tldr blogpost consider suicide also you look like your picture


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Far right white nationalism has the potential to be really popular but people sperg too much about DA JOOOOOS for mainstream conservatives and even liberals or socialists to come to your way of thinking.
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eeer no, actually its da jooz


post iq


You basically have to since white nationalism is analogous to nazism which is pretty true except for some people like Jared Taylor don't care about Jews. At some point you have to address the fact that the reason your position is marginalized is due to decades of postwar Holocaust brainwashing and the Nuremburg trials condemning any kind of european racial nationalism.


>take le meds, preferably the ones issued by le pifizer
Face the wall


No one fucking cares about normie cuntservatives and leftist commies why would we appeal to them

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Walloon Chud


billions must worship


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They won


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>Vatican flag
Absolute brimstone, either fix or just outright delete it pal.


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Tucker Carlson has been interviewing Republican candidates. Recently it was Pence’s turn.

Why is Mike Pence even running? Nobody likes him and he’s trending very low in the polls.

He’s a traitor who made sure Joe Biden was selected by means of a corrupt election. Pence allowed the Marxist Democrats to install a woke, doddering fool into the White House. Pence could have stepped up and helped to stop it, but instead he rubber stamped election theft. Pence is running now because he was Vice President and now it’s ‘his turn.’ He’s running because of ego and vanity. He’s running because he enjoys basking in the limelight.

Yet, in a Freudian slip of monumental proportion, Pence admitted what is most important to him: Escalating the war in Ukraine.

When Tucker reminded him of the numerous and very serious problems we all face here in the US, Pence simply scoffed, “Not my concern.”
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get the fuck off my 'arty nigger


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Tucker Carlson is a Kabbalist


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trump was a nigger who almost led us to WWIII, im about to believe you are a kike


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Never believe what jews say

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 60899[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The only reason rightwingers are against banning gas stoves is because the left supports it. Bunch of fucking childish contrarians.
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Holy Reddit


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Owned the libs more than any warcrime ever committed



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It’s time to become the Jew and use pedophiles to subvert the faggot and troon pride movement.


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We can achieve that by pitting pedophiles against troons.


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trannies literally cut their dicks off and take copius amounts of pills to delude themselves into thinking they're women, what makes you think they aren't gonna accept pedophilia at some point

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>4chan was progressive and leftist before chuds invaded
>*meanwhile 2005 4chan has off-topic racebait threads with dozens of replies talking about how dumb niggers are*


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The near east has fallen


handcrafted for BWC


he needs BWC


Straightest Italians/Irishman I'm not sure



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