he should go back to electrocuting faggots
words words words I don't care about any of these MIGA Republicucks
>>60831you forgot your sage
Trump 20224
Dont care still voting trump
>>60831boomer politics that nobody gives a fuck about either way can be funny in small doses
>>60833>a literal shitcoin and a scam "movement" started by a 4cuck shitposter do boomercucks really?
Seeing shit like this just makes think that Biden is going to win (again)
I seriously have no idea what Republicans think they're doing, there is so much petty infighting and they have no idea what they stand for anymore.
They're against lockdowns even though Trump started them, they're against vaccines even though Trump also started them, they're against supporting Ukraine because the war magically wouldn't've happened if Trump was incharge.
None of this makes any sense and none of it is going to convince moderate voters. At this point Biden has already won, he has to do absolutely nothing and the toxic and off putting nature of Republican politics will push everyone towards him. Biden being a senile retard who is unable to talk infront of a crowd is what's going to win him the election because in such a polarized environment someone who does and says nothing is what most people want.
>>60841Ben Garrison supports Greater Israel doe
get the fuck off my 'arty nigger