Neither chudjak nor schizo chudjak would say this
>>60900Because the climate death cult wants to ban cheap and reliable energy sources.
>>60902Exactly this. In NY they just announced no new constructions with gas lines as of 2025 or however long they push it because it's NY nobody will accept this. The weather can get brutal and the power lines are not buried. The local paper here published a story saying they will use point propane generators when peak energy demands hit this summer.
Never going to buy an EV. Never going to buy an electric stove.
People in NY eating this up are going to freeze to death when a freak blizzard hits and just a few power lines blow up. I'm leaving this state ASAP. They can't get their heads together and consider actually having a functional power grid before buying EVs because they have so much money they cannot consider leaving civilization with extra gas tanks. They are drones on a grid.
>>60903Anon EVs are kinda cool. With tax credits and home charging they come out cheaper in the long term than ICE. Only concern is resale value. But they're fast as fuck with a shit load of torque and their 100% electric nature makes them capable of certain comforts that normally aren't possible, like always on electronics and the ability to run them in enclosed spaces without killing everyone in your house, i.e. pre warming them in the garage.
Still smart to have an ICE on hand just in case of the scenario you described. But it's definitely a better daily driver than a combustion engine. Agreed about the rest of your post. Fully electric in the New England area would be disastrous. Every appliance in my house is propane powered for that reason.
>>60904Petroleum is King.
The smell of oil and gas with the rumble of the Gods will be with U.S. and the World for Centuries to come.
Have Fun.
>>60899It would ruin the restaurant industry and small businesses
>>60899there is no good reason to ban them. leftists get bored easily so they always need a new fight to fight, even if the fight is pointless.
leftists entire worldview is centered around "deconstructing" and changing EVERYTHING because they think everything is flawed.
>>60909>>60909leftism is simply just to erode away existing socio-economic hierarchies and status towards a collective equilibrium though.
stop trying to force this culture war coal you fucking chuddie
" In both age groups, we detected no evidence of an association between the use of gas as a cooking fuel and either asthma symptoms or asthma diagnosis "
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(13)70073-0/fulltext №60915
>>60899"The left" doesn't support a ban on gas stoves. A department (non-political) responsible for studying health problems stated that it could possibly be wise to at some point stop the use of gas stoves indoor. That's it. Republitards made that into the headline: ANTIFA IS COMING TO TAKE YOUR STOVE AWAY, as usual being fucking retarded, wrong and hysterical. And now we have fucking morons posing with guns in front of their stove as if Joe Biden himself is peaking in to take your stove away. the Republican party is fucking retarded.
>>60914Yes yes, /soy/ already did the research and found the paper which said gas caused respiratory problems was from some no name nigger who was part of some anti-gas foundation.
That said, induction is the future.
Someone make a new biblically accurate angels copypasta but starting with gas stoves
Schizo thread
>>60917>intellectual discussionNigger you’re on the ‘arty are you really expecting the smarts of Platonir Kant from here
>>60899No, it's because I don't like authoritarians making up bullshit measures that don't even work for problems that don't even exist. Of course leftists support this, they lack critical thinking and hate freedom.
Also, have you ever tried cooking on electric stove? It fucking sucks. I don't care about leftists. I would prefer just being able to exist.
>>60905We’ll run out albeit
my gaping axe wound
>>60930impressive arguments. That's really all /soy/ is, everyone who disagrees with you, you just mock. That means you won. Pathetic.
>>60899Is this a mutt thing? Literally no one cares about what kind of stove you have in my country
>>60928That itself is the main problem with the right. Instead of focusing on forwarding their goals with what little institutional support they have, most right-wing talking heads resort to "OWNING THE LIBS" by posting pictures onto Facebook with their gun collections and stoves and bacon stashes. It's honestly pathetic.
>>60936Try formulating an actual argument for why your 60 year old environment killing stove is so vitally important. I'll wait.
>>60933once again its literally just advice based on evidence. American leftists don't even care about this. Its just chudcels who think the joos want to take their stoves or something.
>>60937trips of truth tsmt
>>60915This same fucking bullshit.. People can sniff out when you'll end up wanting to ban something down the line, they aren't as witless and stupid as you are living in an eternal present unable to recognize patterns
>>60941So running out of natural resources like clean drinking water is fine because we'll run out of it eventually? You're too far gone to be reasoned with.
>>60937dull midwit take, not even worth replying to, you're in too deep.
>>60937doooooooollllllll ban all underage posters
>>60915it's wild how many leftists show up when politics are mentioned on this 'alt-right' website
>>60939No, I don't have to accept the framing of some hysterical cunt at all
Leftypol psyop?
>>60951>some hysterical cuntso you lost and go ad hominem, great. please do not vote or reproduce ever.
>>60953>Debate club languageLol Ben Shapiro ass loser
>>60953Already reproduced and will soon vote for Trump for the third time
>>60954You can't debate for shit lmao, the adults are talking little boy
>>60954alright sorry buddy, i'll dumb it down for you. you use mean poopy head words instead of actually debating. your argument is bad because of this. do you understand?
>>60945Delusional paranoia nobody is coming for your asthama causing gas stoves chud
>>60958Short-term comfort over posterity – what better maxim to describe the modern right-winger?
>>60962Why changing to electric stoves is bad? It does the same and you dont pay for lighters anymore doe
>>60969I dont care, im never buying a tea maker or a toaster
>>60967The west hasn't fallen, you shit-for-brains chud. It's because right-wingers are more willing to destroy posterity in the name of short-term comfort rather than move to cleaner energy sources. It's really that simple.
>>60965the amount of formaldehyde released by a stove isnt much, literally just open a fucking window
also if you're gonna use a water boiler use one of these that japanese people use for instant hot water
has different temperature settings for different types of teas and IM A GOD WHO CAN SUMMON BOILING WATER ON DEMAND
>>60970Just put the water/toast in a pan/pot and toast it/boil it , same results
>>60975you need to wash the pan/pot after tho
>>60973I dont care about gas stoves , i will use the stove that my home uses: electric , gas , powered by dead children i dont care
>stoves even though nobody here can cook
>>60976You can clean it in less than 40 seconds
>>60978even doeioh i made scrambled eggs yesterday from pasture-raised eggs
>>60977Again, the right-winger will do anything for short-term comfort. Posterity be damned because Fox News said your children don't deserve anything anyway!
>>60980thats still 40 seconds thoughie also you need to factor in soap costs or something
>>60957I’m 20 and (you)’re a filthy ugly troon nigger who thinks xes smart after reading the rational wiki
>>60983I will change my stove if
1. Electric stoves are cheaper
2. There are real studies showing that they cause asthma
3. They cook things in less time
>>60985Ooh, everyone you disagree with is a RationalWiki troon? Did Rupert Murdoch and his right-wing media machine hand you that zinger? You must feel so accomplished right now.
>>60990did you take this photo on a 3ds oh my god
>>60984You will always have soap for the dishes , you can always clean the pan/pot
>(words) live le rent free because you said (words)
>>60994even though nobody said this
>>60991Right-wingers are inherently scared of intellectual debate, which is why they soyquote instead of responding back to claims they disagree with.
>>60992My camera was blurry because i spilled some milk on my phone
>>60989>Rupert Murdoch Literally who
>>60997just say you came on it while gooning
>>60996I will have a electric store if you help me to cost one , i already have a gas stove but i could like electric stoves because i would be saving so much money on lighters doe
>>60998The man who gives your favorite controlled talking heads their talking points to line his wallets with gullible chud money.
>>60999Why i would goon while making coffee?
>>60996what is there to debate with you? you are just a seething troon
>>61006Re-read the OP, braindead chud. Do right-wingers only support gas stoves to be contrarian, or do they have legitimate reasons to cling onto their precious stoves?
>>61004>favorite controlled talking headsLike who? kuz? Hobbes? Kant? I talk for myself nigger
>>61008Jesus Christ dude clean your kitchen
>>61010Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Jordan B. Peterson, all the usual alt-right talking heads who support your constructed worldview promoted to protect the wallets of the 1%.
>>61009tsmt not a single chud here has given a good reason to keeo using a gas stove except for some chuds like
>>60958 who pretend to be "centrist" or "neutral" on something when they actually just serve the right lol
>>61015why would you not want to use a gas stove? it works better than electric stove
>>61009Is George Soros paying you to spew lies on soyjak.party?
>>61019okay then why do you latch onto your gas stove so much
from the same people who don't give a shit about fixing methane emissions and don't give a single shit about the nordstream pipeline bombing
You utilitarians are all the same. You all think you’re the oracle of Delphi. We’ve been using gas stoves for years and everything’s fine stope being a schizo
>>61021Because im 14 and my parents dont care about it enough to change our gas stove
>>61024nonsense chud speak about things he does not understand
>>61025then just admit you are wrong and go do your homework
>>60900Because they're racist since blacks don't know how to use them
>>61026Didn’t niggers like al gore say the earth was gonna go into an ice age by 2009 doe
>>61027Im not wrong tho , i didnt say
>MUUUH GAS STOVES BETTERi just said that i dont care about stoves
>>61034When in doubt about your own arguments, just soyquote your way to victory! This is why you right-wingers will continue to lose the culture war. And honestly, it's rather fitting.
>>61041Five RupertBucks have been distributed into your account. Thank you for protecting the conservative hegemony!
>>61024Again, short-term comfort over the wellbeing of posterity. Rightism is inherently an anti-human ideology.
>>61043vaush could debunk you in EVERYTHING you would not stand a chance against him
>>61047Short-term comfort will not uphold you in the eyes of posterity.
>>61036You look like that thoughever
>>61055You are NOT me MEDS NOW
>>61061You are beyond saving.
>>61061Tsmt even doe arguing with the mentally ill is fun
>>61064Does this mean you'll stop making that noise now?
>>61067complain about offgassing causing cancer when you willingly inject yourself with microplastics, heavy metals, pesticides, and experimental RNA gene editing technology nanogel
>>61067>arguing about stoves is le radicalizingNigger iq
Oh, I'm a bvlly slut
Yes, I'm a bvlly slut
Oh I'm a black cock sucking poz load taking bvlly slut
I’m a sissy slut
'Cause I'm a bvlly slut
Oh, I’m a black king serving BNWO bvlly slut
Oh, yeah
Bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly slut
Bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly slut
Big black, big big black cocky
Pozzed up, big big black cocky
Breeding, big big black cocky
Bussy pop
Big black, big big black cocky
Pozzed up, big big black cocky
Breeding, big big black cocky
Bussy pop
Oh, I'm a bvlly slut
Yes, I'm a bvlly slut
Oh I'm a black cock sucking poz load taking bvlly slut
I’m a sissy slut
'Cause I'm a bvlly slut
Oh, I’m a black king serving BNWO bvlly slut
Oh, yeah
Black cock bidubidubi yum yum
Black cock bidubidubi yum yum
Black cock bidubidubi yum yum
Three bvlls I can take them
Black cock bidubidubi yum yum
Black cock bidubidubi yum yum
Black cock bidubidubi yum yum
Three bvlls I can take them
Bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly slut
Bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly bvlly slut
Big black, big big black cocky
Pozzed up, big big black cocky
Breeding, big big black cocky
Bussy pop
Big black, big big black cocky
Pozzed up, big big black cocky
Breeding, big big black cocky
Bussy pop
Oh, I'm a bvlly slut
Yes, I'm a bvlly slut
Oh I'm a black cock sucking poz load taking bvlly slut
I’m a sissy slut
'Cause I'm a bvlly slut
Oh, I’m a black king serving BNWO bvlly slut
Oh, yeah
Oh, I'm a bvlly slut
Yes, I'm a bvlly slut
Oh I'm a black cock sucking poz load taking bvlly slut
I’m a sissy slut
'Cause I'm a bvlly slut
Oh, I’m a black king serving BNWO bvlly slut
Oh, yeah
Oh, I'm a bvlly slut
Yes, I'm a bvlly slut
Oh I'm a black cock sucking poz load taking bvlly slut
I’m a sissy slut
'Cause I'm a bvlly slut
Oh, I’m a black king serving BNWO bvlly slut
Oh, yeah
Bussy pop
Bussy pop
Bussy pop
Bussy pop
>>61071Why are leftists so mentally ill?
>short term comfort
I hope you’re thrown in the gulag for being a faggot when the revolution comes “comrade”
>>61070If you had above nigger IQ, you would realize that I am saying that people being irritating is radicalizing
>>61067Meds, this website made me hate chuds more
Nobody cares tranny
>>61077Yeah nigger I get that but comparing a boomer being pissed that liberals no like gas stoves and chuds getting radicalized is comparing two diffrent beasts
>>61079Leftchuds and rightchuds are the samechuds and they need to dilate
>>61079This site made me despise politics even more than I already do
>>61077So you base your political positions around the reactions of others and to get a rise out of them? You must be so proud of yourself, radicalizing yourself to the far-right to own those nasty libs.
Wake up in the mornin' feelin' like a sissy
Grab my cock cage, click it on, I cannot touch my clitty
Before I leave toothbrush my ass so it's easy to poz
Cause when I take in black cock, I want AIDS like Kuz
I'm talkin' suckin' on black bvll toes, toes
Tryin' on sissy clothes, clothes
Bvlls shooting in their loads, loads
I'm Cobson, getting a spadey tatty
Pullin' up to the orgy
Tryna get a little bit sickly
Don't stop, bussy pop
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Don't stop, bussy pop
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Ain't got a coal in the world, but got plenty of spades
Ain't got HIV in my bloodstream but I'm tryna get AIDS
And now the 'teens are bumping up cuz they know Cob a gemmy
But I make these Chudcels ACK cuz they don't got BBС
I'm talkin' 'bout Cobby suckin' up black spunk, spunk
Tryna hop on that black junk, junk
Bvlly cum is getting me drunk, drunk
Now, now, we go until the log bumps out, out
Or the jannies shut us down, down
Jannies shut us down, down
Jan-jan shut us down
Don't stop, bussy pop
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Don't stop, bussy pop
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Bvlly, you bump me up
You sage me down
My bussy pounds
Yeah you fuck me
With my ass up
You poz me now
You got that load
That I just need
Bvlly, you bump me up
You sage me down
My bussy pounds
Yeah you fuck me
With my ass up
Put your ass up
Put your ass up
Now the thready ain't gem 'til Cob walks in
Don't stop, bussy pop
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Don't stop, bussy pop
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
>>61082Both make them far more likely to reflexively reject the things that leftoids say in the next iteration of "things that people on TV and twitter say is le bad for a week straight"
>>61088Boomers and chuds (both left and right) won’t do shit doe. Xey only talk a big game
>>61086>Still being nigger IQI'm not saying anything about my political positions, I'm saying that being irritating and creating an emotional response is radicalizing. The average person feels rather than thinks, this is undeniable
>>61088Which is the heart of the problem. Contrarianism to get a rise out of the liberals may end up killing the planet.
>>61092Again, you radicalized yourself because losing short-term conformities made you uncomfortable. You are beyond salvation.
>>61094When? In 2 weeks or something
>>61093Have the libs tried being less shrill if the le apocalypse is literally going to result from them being the most annoying group of people in history
>>61096>He can't readI ignore then
"Oh my God Cobby, look at his cock
It is so big
He looks like one of those BLACKED sites' porn stars
Who doesn't love those BLACKED guys?
I only fuck blacks because they look like a total bvlls, okay?
I mean, his cock, it's just so big.
Uh, I can't believe it's just so brown, it's like out there
I mean, ugh, hot. Look! It's just so... black!"
Cob likes black cock and he cannot lie
You other jakkers can't deny
When a cob walks in with a tatty of a spade
And a black cock in his face, you post GEM
Wanna give it a bump 'cause that jakky's a sissy slut
Deep in the Cob it's tearin'
Page 1 and I can't stop starin'
Oh, Cobby, I wanna get wit'cha
Like in the picture
Arcturus tried to warn me
But that cobhole makes (me so horny!)
Oh Cobby 'ttoo'd skin
You say you wanna take my whole thing?
Well, ride me, ride me
And I'll shoot a load, HIV
I've seen him dancin'
When they see my black skin
He sweat, wet
Got it goin' like a turbo 'Vette
I'm tired of cafe teens
Sayin' white chodes are the thing
Take the average Cobjak and ask him that
He gotta pack that black
So, Cobbies! (Yeah!) Cobbies! (Yeah!)
Has your bvlly got you blacked? (Hell yeah!)
Tell 'em to rape you! (Rape you!) Rape you! (Rape you!)
Rape that horny Cob!
Cobby got blacked!
(Gaping face with a black slut booty)
Cobby got blacked!
He likes 'em brown, and big
And when I'm postin' a thread
I just can't help my self, I'm actin' like an animal
Blacked Cobs all 'round you
I wanna sage you down
And ugh, bump it up, ugh, ugh
I ain't postin' 'bout white bois
'Cause those tiny white peckers ain't useful, goys
I want 'em real thick and gemmy
So find that gemmy Cobby
Bvll-a-Lot's in trouble
Pozzin' up inside of that cobhole
So I'm lookin' at jak videos
Spadeless pinehos lookin' like coal
You can have them pinehos
I'll keep my jakkies like Cobbo
A word to the gem cobsisters, I wanna post wit'cha
I won't sage or kill ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna bump
'Til the break of dawn
Page 40 not for long
A lot of 'cords won't like this song
'Cause them troons like to Cob it and leave it
But I'd rather add a spade
'Cause I'm long, and I'm strong
And I'm down to get the blacking on
So, Cobbies! (Yeah!) Cobbies! (Yeah!)
If you wanna have my black babies (Yeah!)
Then turn around! Stick it out!
Even 'turus got to shout
Cobby got blacked!
Cobby got blacked!
"Yeah, baby. When it comes to gems, 'cordtroons ain't got nothin' to do with my selection.
Page 36, 24, 36? Ha ha, back up to page 1"
So your pecker is a whitey
Tryna cope that it's so tiny
But tiny ain't gonna do it there, whitey
That cobbyjakky don't wan't none
Unless the cock's black, hun
You can take viagra and stretch it
But you'll never get that slut
Some jakkies wanna play that hard role
And tell you that your Cob is coal
So they sage it, page 3 it
And I pull up quick to reseat it
So Arc don't want you blacked
Well I ain't down with that
'Cause your hole is tight and your mouth is gapin'
And I'm thinkin' 'bout stickin'
To the spadeless coal on the catty
You ain't it, 'cord tranny
Give me a spadeson, I keep it page 1
Bump 'em up from the bottom
Some tranitor tried to ban
'Cause I keep reposting my man
Banned Cob but left the cunny
Airplane mode, I'm back honey
So cobby, if the butt is round
And you want a triple XL pound
Dial 1-900-BVLL-A-LOT
And ride that BBC
Cobby got blacked!
Cobby got blacked!
Gemmin' up the catty and he got full blacked!
Gemmin' up the catty and he got full blacked!
>>61099>Oh no, rural communities will have to accommodate to save the planet! Just think of the poor rural Americans who rely on gas stoves! Oh, the horror of the plight of rural Americans! Just think of them, huh?Shit deflection.
Bvlly fill my cobhole up
Tonight, I'ma ride
Til we see the sunlight
Black cock in the Cob
But the bvllies don't stop, no
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Chud Just now №3920147 >>61090>>61093
>>61082Both make them far more likely to reflexively reject the things that leftoids say in the next iteration of "things that people on TV and twitter say is le bad for a week straight"
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:19:11 №3920152
File (hide): 1689614351759.png (155.53 KB, 613x883, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>Caring about "long term longevity" is why I have an axewound instead of a penis and AIDSChud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:19:39 №3920154
>>61094>>61088Boomers and chuds (both left and right) won’t do shit doe. Xey only talk a big game
Chud (You) 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:19:42 №3920155
File (hide): 1689614382010.png (7.13 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png) ImgOps
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:19:43 №3920156
>>61096>>61086>Still being nigger IQI'm not saying anything about my political positions, I'm saying that being irritating and creating an emotional response is radicalizing. The average person feels rather than thinks, this is undeniable
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:19:58 №3920158 >>3920163>>3920173
>>61088Which is the heart of the problem. Contrarianism to get a rise out of the liberals may end up killing the planet.
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:20:14 №3920160
>>61097>>61090They will nignore
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:20:31 №3920163
>>61093Gemmy doe
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:20:34 №3920164
>>61100>>61092Again, you radicalized yourself because losing short-term conformities made you uncomfortable. You are beyond salvation.
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:21:08 №3920170
>>61094When? In 2 weeks or something
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:21:15 №3920173
>>61093Have the libs tried being less shrill if the le apocalypse is literally going to result from them being the most annoying group of people in history
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:21:34 №3920177
>>61102File (hide): 1689614494668.png (35.51 KB, 721x789, 1679685516724.png) ImgOps
>Ban gas stoves even though it will greatly impact rural communities that may not have access to enough electricity.Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:21:38 №3920179
>>61096>He can't readI ignore then
Chud (You) 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:21:52 №3920182
"Oh my God Cobby, look at his cock
It is so big
He looks like one of those BLACKED sites' porn stars
Who doesn't love those BLACKED guys?
I only fuck blacks because they look like a total bvlls, okay?
I mean, his cock, it's just so big.
Uh, I can't believe it's just so brown, it's like out there
I mean, ugh, hot. Look! It's just so... black!"
Cob likes black cock and he cannot lie
You other jakkers can't deny
When a cob walks in with a tatty of a spade
And a black cock in his face, you post GEM
Wanna give it a bump 'cause that jakky's a sissy slut
Deep in the Cob it's tearin'
Page 1 and I can't stop starin'
Oh, Cobby, I wanna get wit'cha
Like in the picture
Arcturus tried to warn me
But that cobhole makes (me so horny!)
Oh Cobby 'ttoo'd skin
You say you wanna take my whole thing?
Well, ride me, ride me
And I'll shoot a load, HIV
I've seen him dancin'
When they see my black skin
He sweat, wet
Got it goin' like a turbo 'Vette
I'm tired of cafe teens
Sayin' white chodes are the thing
Take the average Cobjak and ask him that
He gotta pack that black
So, Cobbies! (Yeah!) Cobbies! (Yeah!)
Has your bvlly got you blacked? (Hell yeah!)
Tell 'em to rape you! (Rape you!) Rape you! (Rape you!)
Rape that horny Cob!
Cobby got blacked!
(Gaping face with a black slut booty)
Cobby got blacked!
He likes 'em brown, and big
And when I'm postin' a thread
I just can't help my self, I'm actin' like an animal
Blacked Cobs all 'round you
I wanna sage you down
And ugh, bump it up, ugh, ugh
I ain't postin' 'bout white bois
'Cause those tiny white peckers ain't useful, goys
I want 'em real thick and gemmy
So find that gemmy Cobby
Bvll-a-Lot's in trouble
Pozzin' up inside of that cobhole
So I'm lookin' at jak videos
Spadeless pinehos lookin' like coal
You can have them pinehos
I'll keep my jakkies like Cobbo
A word to the gem cobsisters, I wanna post wit'cha
I won't sage or kill ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna bump
'Til the break of dawn
Page 40 not for long
A lot of 'cords won't like this song
'Cause them troons like to Cob it and leave it
But I'd rather add a spade
'Cause I'm long, and I'm strong
And I'm down to get the blacking on
So, Cobbies! (Yeah!) Cobbies! (Yeah!)
If you wanna have my black babies (Yeah!)
Then turn around! Stick it out!
Even 'turus got to shout
Cobby got blacked!
Cobby got blacked!
"Yeah, baby. When it comes to gems, 'cordtroons ain't got nothin' to do with my selection.
Page 36, 24, 36? Ha ha, back up to page 1"
So your pecker is a whitey
Tryna cope that it's so tiny
But tiny ain't gonna do it there, whitey
That cobbyjakky don't wan't none
Unless the cock's black, hun
You can take viagra and stretch it
But you'll never get that slut
Some jakkies wanna play that hard role
And tell you that your Cob is coal
So they sage it, page 3 it
And I pull up quick to reseat it
So Arc don't want you blacked
Well I ain't down with that
'Cause your hole is tight and your mouth is gapin'
And I'm thinkin' 'bout stickin'
To the spadeless coal on the catty
You ain't it, 'cord tranny
Give me a spadeson, I keep it page 1
Bump 'em up from the bottom
Some tranitor tried to ban
'Cause I keep reposting my man
Banned Cob but left the cunny
Airplane mode, I'm back honey
So cobby, if the butt is round
And you want a triple XL pound
Dial 1-900-BVLL-A-LOT
And ride that BBC
Cobby got blacked!
Cobby got blacked!
Gemmin' up the catty and he got full blacked!
Gemmin' up the catty and he got full blacked!
Chud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:22:24 №3920193
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>>61099>but think about the long term chudChud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:22:55 №3920195
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>short term conformities>the new normal>grow up>first world problem>think of the children in africaChud 07/17/23 (Mon) 17:24:04 №3920213
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>Climate collapse.. LE BAD even doe it will kill the jew world order and life will be just fine №61108
>>61104>So I won't deny that my short-term conformities led to a climate apocalypse, but that's a good thing because it will eradicate the Jewish boogeyman!And everyone else on earth for that matter.
>>61113Keep up the good work defending the good word of our corporate overlords and you might just find yourself a promotion at the Rupert Murdoch Defense Force! Keep at it!
who cares
>>61125nobody ever said this you are grasping at straws
>>61131Typical of a braindead chud to approve of any measure that would harm their Jewish boogeyman.
>>61133But heavens forbid they wind up on the other side, that'd be heckin' unwholesome genocide!
>>61014all of those men are leftists.
>>61137Tl:dr chuds le Bad cuz electric stoves le good even doe electric stove suck ass
>>61139Five RupertBucks have been distributed into your account.
>>6114010 SorosShekels have been deposited into your account.
>>61143>>6114410 gascoins have been deposited into your stove
gas stoves contain benzene which causes cancer
Pubes -magazine:
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.2c09289Stanford scientists measured benzene from gas stoves in 87 California and Colorado homes in 2022 for the paper published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology. They found both natural gas and propane stoves
>"emitted detectable and repeatable levels of benzene that in some homes raised indoor benzene concentrations above well-established health benchmarks."The risks of benzene have long been known CDC said.
"Benzene forms in flames and other high-temperature environments, such as the flares found in oil fields and refineries. We now know that benzene also forms in the flames of gas stoves in our homes," said Rob Jackson in a statement. He's the study's senior author and a Stanford professor of earth sciences. With one burner on high or the oven at 330 degrees, the researchers found benzene levels in a house can be worse than average levels for second-hand tobacco smoke.
And they found the toxin doesn't just stay in the kitchen, it can migrate to other places, such as bedrooms. "Good ventilation helps reduce pollutant concentrations, but we found that exhaust fans were often ineffective at eliminating benzene exposure," Jackson said. He says this is the first paper to analyze benzene emissions when a stove or oven is in use.
Researchers also tested whether cooking food - pan-frying salmon or bacon - emits benzene but found all the pollution came from the gas and not the food. That's important because the gas industry often deflects concern about pollution from its fuel, to breathing problems that can be triggered by cooking fumes.
>>61147>words words wordsDon’t care
>>61147Unless benzene tanks my sex drive like plastics and shit I don't care
>>61148Posterity will smite you for caring more about yourself and your short-term comfort items than future generations.
>>61157What do you know of the future faggot. Where’s your crystal ball
this entire thread is bots
>>61157Posterity will hate modern baizuo leftoids because they will consider them to be the source of their austerity, regardless of whether or not they actually saved the universe or however the macdonalds wrapper crumples
every poster above is built for bbc
>>61162Even doe most electricity is produced from fossil fuel and coal
Lil bro think he Chinese ????????
>>61165bad for the environment
>>61166It's a good term for what they are, and as an added bonus they prickle at being defined in any way. There's no term you are allowed to use for them
um whenever i try to cook marshmallow on the gas stove it tastes gross so they should be replaced back
Every poster below is built for BBC
>>61169how is it a good term? what
>>61172"White left" is 100% a thing
>>61174>"Innovation"(Austerity, banning things you use daily)
>"Saving the environment"(The apocalypse shall be averted if you repent)
>"Progress"(Anything we say it is, also it's inevitable because we said so. Totally meaningless)
>>61099even though those communities dont have access to gas either
>>61177electric stove sisters? did we just get BTFO?
>>61185All you have is austerity, nobody is being fooled into thinking it's innovation
>>61188>shilling for russia le good even doe they've committed multiple war crimesBut at least you're owning the libs, right?
>>61228>shermanpostingHoly Reddit