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/pol/ - Politics

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So im back! How do you little jakkers feel?
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like a warm glass of flat Pepsi


Are you a nigger or mudslime?


show tits and asshole


Why are you like this


You're missing the vital ingredient called proof

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 44090[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your ideology
173 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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You are 25


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Im 21


Quite a few other aussies
My personal ideology is total nuclear war


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total everyone death


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Holy fucking shit i love war so much. I wanna shoot people and also get shot at (preferably bosnian muslims)
I wanna die in a war bros it hurts so much i want a purpose in life


Touch grass timmy


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What are the implications of Musk publicly admitting white genocide is real?
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>oh my hecking hitler can't miss anything my favorite partly jewish baste redpilled keyed gorillionaire eceleb says he totally cares about issues facing the common pleb lowlife like myself all the way from his billionaire villa guys


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Funny that this party controls the district where Orania, some all-White town is located. I hope they are massive larpers.


reddit tier post


white genocide is happening in all the West

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Delete /pol/




add /tnd/




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>Delete /pol/

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bred for BWC


damm, those curves tho…


built for BBC


that's a man


Yeah man fuck her with your big bavarian cock

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Italy's PM with some fellow Italian citiz-ohhhhh wait those are Syrians who knew because they look about as white as most Italians


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smug alarm border breathe offer operate slap >>>/caca/




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>thread moved to /pol/
>it suddenly dies because none of the italophobic subhumans want people to see their turd worlder flags

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Brenton Tarrant is God, HE WILL SAVE THE WHITE RACE
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Kill yourself obsessed faggot


Brenton tarrant is a jew


kill yourself fag your like a kpop stan but worse


killing refugees randomly does not work in mordern society, tarrant should have organized his sheeit with like minded people to start his own party that would gain political power in deporting the menace.


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GEMton tarrant is GOD, gemton tarrant is #FÜHRER, kill niggers kill kikes, the GEMton /tarrant/ REICH will gas ALL kikes #MAGA #MAGA2020 #TRUMP #WWG1WGA #BLACKED kill niggers kill kikes

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How do modern religious people believe all this shit without a single pinch of salt?
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>but God has performed miracles and blessed his followers which is all documented
What about legends from China and the Americas about witches, demons, fairies, people seeing gods, miraculous healings, monsters, ghosts, et. al. all of which is found in the Bible and most of which is not even original since Jews just stole it from whatever civilization they were conquered by


>lower rates of… mental illness
if you go onto any religious forum youll see this is clearly no the case
>inf4 look at this study
dont care


>if you go onto any religious forum youll see this is clearly no the case
Although I do agree that the religious are generally nicer and healthier, this is kinda true. tons of really religious people I've met always have some weird fringe belief you wouldn't know about unless you got to know them like UFOs being a sign from God, haunted houses being real, secret global cabals that are somehow never the Jews controlling the world (ex. da freemaaaasons, da deeeeemocrats, da jesuuuits), Neanderthals and dinosaurs not being real. Basically once someone has abandoned all reason and their capacity for critical thinking has reached zero they are capable of believing any retarded bullshit gayop that comes their way. Just look at Q.




>not believing random shit without evidence?
>have you ever considered that's… le reddit?

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Found this gem on the archive

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