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How do modern religious people believe all this shit without a single pinch of salt?


I think it's all bullshit but I'll still call myself agnostic in the slight chance one of the thousands of religions that have been created over the years ends up being the correct one


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>How do modern religious people believe all this shit without a single pinch of salt?




I don't think you need to be so rude about it or that you can't appreciate the good things Christianity has brought to white people, but c'mon. Talking snakes? People living to hundreds of years? I'm sure it's only because Christians have high birth rates and can therefore indoctrinate their children earlier.


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>How do modern religious peeps believe all this shieeeet without a single pinch of KFC spice or something?


It's 2 AM where you live and you're still doing this shit, why are you such a a lifeless loser faggot? Where does this obsession come from? Please actually fucking kill yourself, I mean it. Obsessing over Americans will not make your shitty, pathetic, broken life any better and you need to end it right now


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>You can't stay up to 2 AM durin' the summer vacays when you have the house for yourself or however the burgers are fried. Kill yourself obsessed faggot or whatever us mutts say to our superiors
Mindbroken amerimutt


Where are you on vacation


I usually go to Poland but I don't stay there for long




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they're raised that way
religion benefits the people who actively dedicate themselves
when people follow religion it isnt slavery, it frees the person from potential addictions like alcohol, drugs, smoking, masturbating, etc
it steers away from human urges and teaches discipline
atheists are several times more likely to kill themselves than religious people because they follow their urges and it leads them to shitty places


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enjoy your stay, thanks for supporting our economy NorwegianGOD


sleep is the white man's #1 enemy
only retarded nigger cattle NPCs go to bed early


>atheists are several times more likely to kill themselves than religious people because they follow their urges and it leads them to shitty places
It's because atheists don't have a social outlet to connect with other people the same way religious people do with their temples, mosques, churches, etc. This doesn't mean any of the religions are true, just that they're successful at giving people a community and purpose. Also no, not being allowed to play pokemon as a kid because it was "demonic" and being forced to listen to christian pop every day didn't free me from anything, what did free me was reading Nietzsche and dropping all of this retarded bullshit from my childhood.


Churches aren't a social outlet anymore. Unless you're about 70.

This is cope. They have a higher suicide rate because they didn't have as powerful a taboo inculcated into them and they feel their lives are meaningless. They usually try to create the meaning themselves, but then it's even more disillusioning when that effort inevitably fails


Nietzsche is keyed


>take retarded ancient fairy tales literally or your life will have no meaning
Dumbass, you clearly haven't experienced how shitty it is to live around people who don't believe in evolution and think the Tower of babel actually happened. It's downright sad to talk to someone in their 60's who thinks Noah's ark was real.


How do atheists believe that the universe started with a random explotion just because?


Doesn't mean it was Yahweh. Maybe Odin was up to some shit and BOOM


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Human beings have used deities and spirits to explain natural phenomena like weather, seasons, the day/night cycle, etc. How is using God to explain the creation of the universe any different?


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


Because we know how creation came, and to what end. What we need to do to secure our position in the world. What standard we should hold ourselves to. This is clearly more than placebo as the religious have way lower rates of suicide and mental illness, despite the emphasis of pursuing spiritual divinity over the material.

As for the pagan rituals, sure there might be some grain of truth to them, but God has performed miracles and blessed his followers which is all documented. Sure you could say it's not real history but it's as valid as any other documentation from the period.


>but God has performed miracles and blessed his followers which is all documented
What about legends from China and the Americas about witches, demons, fairies, people seeing gods, miraculous healings, monsters, ghosts, et. al. all of which is found in the Bible and most of which is not even original since Jews just stole it from whatever civilization they were conquered by


>lower rates of… mental illness
if you go onto any religious forum youll see this is clearly no the case
>inf4 look at this study
dont care


>if you go onto any religious forum youll see this is clearly no the case
Although I do agree that the religious are generally nicer and healthier, this is kinda true. tons of really religious people I've met always have some weird fringe belief you wouldn't know about unless you got to know them like UFOs being a sign from God, haunted houses being real, secret global cabals that are somehow never the Jews controlling the world (ex. da freemaaaasons, da deeeeemocrats, da jesuuuits), Neanderthals and dinosaurs not being real. Basically once someone has abandoned all reason and their capacity for critical thinking has reached zero they are capable of believing any retarded bullshit gayop that comes their way. Just look at Q.




>not believing random shit without evidence?
>have you ever considered that's… le reddit?

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