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 44090[Last 50 Posts]

Post your ideology


Irish nationalism
National Catholicism
National conservatism


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lolbert libertarian on the surface
total nigger death on the inside


authoritarian liberalism with fascistic characteristics


kuz should straight up just rename this board to /twitter/



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We need a brazilian board



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micks have zero acomplishments lol what is there to be nationalist about


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Christian nationalism


gay niggerism


Christian nationalism
Holocaust revisionism


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>Chud Ireland 4 days ago №44091 >>44095>>44114>>44316
>Irish nationalism
>National Catholicism


Calvinist accelerationism.



i have no idea what i am


a mutt






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white nationalism
total nigger deathism


Colombian Anti-Natalism
American Genocide
European demographic displacement
Chinese slavement
African Sterilization
Kosher Sharia


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National Bolshevism


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syncretic Christian Mysticism


antisemitic, white nationalist libertarian monarchism


Bright Blue Cat Supremacism


hunt eat breed


mosleyism (with his opinions of isolationism, women, etc. basically everything but the kikes r bad and totalitarian shit)
cultural nationalism
strasserism (to a very slight degree)
progressive conservatism (fuck troons tho)

yeah im autistic


God outside, and just be normal chud




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>Go outside, and just be normal chud


>go outside
i spend most of my leisure time, probably around 60%, dicking around in the appalachia woods. i would've gone full primitivist/agrarian; however, i came to the realization very quickly that the self-sustainability required is too damn much to be satiably possible.
i was gonna say to you that you're the one that needs to go outside but then i remembered you live in filthy macaquito country where if you did you probably would get shot 14 times by 7 seperate people for 0 reason, so just stay indoors and stay safe for me k?


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Race Realism
Culture History/Ethnic understanding of History
One-Party State
Heroic Capitalism
Freedom of Association
Heroic Capitalism
Freedom of Association


natsoc + racist + TND supporter + fascist


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Libertarian Socialist
Love freedom, hate authoritarianism, simple as.
Live and let live.



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Hoppean with Carlist Characteristics


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I just hate niggers and faggots and jews too


communism with feraljak tendencies




im trans btw



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Total Swine Death




Anglo Pan-Nationalism (Uniting Canada, Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand into one state)
Catholic Nazbol.


English mistery


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>blimey mate im catholic nazbol or something of that nature


why is xhe grey?


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>hate authoritarianism

pick one nigger


Says the ideology that lets companies rule with an iron fist over workers.


companies have a bigger obligation to their customers than their workers. Don't like the place you work at? Fuck off and find a new job


forcing everyone to have 1 way of managing companies and being ran by the tyranny of the people le good


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NGMI. All ideologies are evil and just restrict your thoughts into a set of pre-established ideas.


That's how you get things done nigger.The individual is not the center of the universe. You need to agree with the highest number of people you can (or have the means to make them agree with you) in order to get things done.


Cattle mentality.


Are you unemployed and depend on your mom for food?




Black worship




I stand alone and shall exert my will upon others, you little cunt bitch.


That's why shithuinians never won any war without us puppeetiring them.



I'm right though, all the wins they have is someone stronger helping them and 90% of that is us.


Classical Liberalism


I know this is an embarassing thread but here we go.

Centre Left
Social democrat [with kurdish characteristics]


kurdish atheist brimstone


you post garbage right wing memes on /pol/ therefore you are coal+dusted


post evidence of me doing that


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>Post your ideology


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Neo-feudalist / kogosianist


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Crypto Anarchy


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Balkanize every country TSD (total self determination)


I don't have any beliefs right now except TND and some social conservatism but I started listening to some lolberts


Paneuropean Fascist Absolute Monarchy


I don't have one.


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You're also part of Latam, retard.


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when i was a kid in school one day the teacher asks us in 8th grade.
>class, what type of government has the united States got?
i lol'd. I raised my hand. The teacher gave them a no headshake and turned to me and pointed her finger and nodded like go ahead
she shook her head yes. and looked arou9nd at the other ones jaws agape. Then i started to say the pledge of allegiance these tards had done in school when I WAS IN IT.
and so, my idealogy is republic as far as a country goes.
and a scientist as far as anything else


"i dont know if god exists" is an objective fact doe


>shook her head yes
it's called "nodding"


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Depends who I'm trolling


based af


Amerimutt, please. Read some philosophical critique of science. One that argues that science is inherently evil, and will ultimately destroy all of human civilization unless the scientists learn to take responsibility for what they unleash upon the world.

By the way, have you taken your 5th booster clotshot yet?


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can some american explain this meme to me?
republicans seem obsessed this "america is a republic not a democracy" thing but they're synonyms to me.


>republicans seem obsessed this "america is a republic not a democracy" thing but they're synonyms to me
>thinks they're synonyms
democracy is a form of a government, a republic is a form of a government, yet equally they're different.


For example, a constitutional monarchy is also a democracy.


The Founding Fathers were critical of democracy since they believed it lead to the tyranny of the uneducated masses. They wanted a republic where the populace was governed by an educated elite, hence why the only people allowed to vote after the Revolutionary War were land owning whites. Democracy is when any pissant who can spell their name is allowed to cast a ballot (think of if society was run by people who make deranged tweets every day)


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Another Arete distributist


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Sounds like libertARYANism is your ticket then, we want 10,000 lichtensteins


what's some essential libertoss I should read?


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follow the Way



I dont even know

I just know im catholic and i love my saviour


I am simply trans


Not exactly the biggest fan of jewish people




>Lolbertarian White nationalist
Letteralmente io a 17 anni


Honestly I don’t have an ideology, I just hate niggers.


she's right


underagedGOD website




i have an ideology i rape and murder turks


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American Futurism


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jacksonian theocrat on the surface
national socialist on the inside




meds, no such a thing
holy mother of mental illness



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me too buddirino, me too....


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Rationalist idealist. I even stopped being racist because everyone is fundamentally just a temporary incarnation of the cosmic mind which is on the road to perfection.


My political ideology is The Truth. Fuck all your gay little labels. If it’s true, I believe it.


catholic socialism
non semitic bolshevism
workplace democracracy
anti degeneracy


Holy this


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Classic neocobsonian nojakogenenis with paleoferalist characteristics


real kemalist patriots are going to rape and kill you


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Pan European, fascist, absolute monarchy with a unhealthy dose of imperialism, militarism and paganism
I don't think this ideology has a name


the ideology is called poleniggerlarpgocleanmytoiletism


Me except I didn't get around to hating jews yet


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>polish fag likes snoot game
I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the one who made the thread on /mtv/


kek, based


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>National Catholicism
Sorry for laughing but seriously it's never to late to become Protestant.


bumping the brazil post



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Pure Bigoted Norse Heterosexual Paganism


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thread full of subhumans who CANT and WONT change anything related to politics. kill yourself if youre not apolitical in this day and age


the word is "retarded" and you will use it


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Genocidal Aryan Jingoism


The Estonian had returned


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Hobbesian monarchism


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Total Aryan Salvation and Total Shitskin Annihilation



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>>blimey mate im catholic nazbol or something of that nature


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Good goyim! Fight eachother!


niggers are not the goyim lol


holy mother of aryan goddess


Anglos are grey


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Recreation of the great Lombard kingdom of Italy


more like great BNWO Lombard Caliphate ambrogino faggot


This Is the second option


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guy on the right


whats the third








you wanna hold hands and kiss?


Kill myself


tsmt kill all chinksectoids


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vgh... barbarism


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Total Caliphate


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Radical contrarianism
I wait to see what the Machine pushes and believe the opposite of that


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End of all thingsism


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Black Supremacism


she only fucks white guys btw


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Esoteric velociraptor theory


Basically just anarcho-syndicalism but wignat


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>Black Supremacism


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you are 14


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You are 25


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Im 21


Quite a few other aussies
My personal ideology is total nuclear war


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total everyone death


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