I recently saw the video where Louis Farrakhan says that by elevating the status of white people you deprive BIPOC and now I think that I have a pretty good understanding of anti-whiteness.
So, why do we have so many nonwhite groups that organize and fight for their own group interests but none for whites? The explanation nonwhites have for this is interesting. You see, they operate under a totally different moral framework than race-aware whites do, and by understanding this we can better combat it.
Firstly, according to the antiwhites, whiteness is a racist social construct created to oppress people of color and deprive them of their land and resources. Because it is essentially a creation myth invented for economic and social gains, it has no basis in reality. Being "white" is then not biological, but purely socio-cultural, and has no bearing on your ability to succeed. The reason why whites are successful is because (according to them) they used their social construct of white identity to take all of the positions of power, resources, and capital for themselves. All inequality is then directly the fault of whites.
Secondly, since white identity is false due to by nature being racist and oppressive, nonwhite identities are justified in fighting against it. Nonwhites are entitled to the same privileges and status as whites, and the only way to gain this under a white system is through group advocacy. This is obviously mirroring a certain ideology created by a Jewish NEET.
Thirdly, since slavery, colonialism, lynchings, and numerous (likely fake) genocides happened because of the racist social construct of white identity (i.e. thinking you're justified in not giving niggers rights because you're white, justifying taking land from indians because they're not white) there can never, EVER, be a moment where Western history is shown in a positive light. White people must be demonized so that they realize what a horrible thing the racist social construct of whiteness is and the atrocities it has caused. This is what motivates these antiwhite shit-tier nigger """"historians"""" like the lady at the 1619 project who was debunked so hard by actually legitimate historians that she chimped out and claimed that white people were rayciss for even thinking of correcting her.
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