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/pol/ - Politics

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can you fuck my chin wife? shes not happy with my smol asian tiny penis


Kazakhs are GODS


Only slavic white bvlls can make kazakh women happy


Bro thinks all kazakhs are 7' nomads lmao


kazakistan has failed
all asiatic passing turks will migrate back to kazakhstan and forcibly marry kazakh virgins

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I want a war with Russia
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when are you enlisting PUSSY




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get on koggy new map just dropped


kill yourself


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Who wouldn't want The LORD to be his sheepherd?





>nawet gdy owce to nie bydło


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Hail Satan, but unironically.

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Chuds lost
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xe is from jewish street in cracków


>I'm jewish
>implying that somehow matters
You are a retard toilet cleaning polack i don't give shit if you're a different race


Bro the Jew is even below the poolack


a trans kid? so... a man pretending to be a child?


Are you my gangstalker?

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Liberals breed like anthrax, so why do they mind abortion bans?






mind virus, nothing to do with sex. i support abortion for the same reason margaret sanger did. can you guess what that reason might be?


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Whites lost


Jew W


No goy! You must use steroids to be like this jewish homosexual on twitter!

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The war on drugs has been an absolute failure and all it's 'accomplished' is the empowerment of violent cartels by basically handing them a monopoly as well as the total destruction of the Amazon rain forest through controlled burns of wild cocaine tree's and heavy use of military grade herbicides.

All the while China is waging a legally dubious Opium war on us no less. It's time to de-criminalize drug usage and stop telling people what they can and can't put in their body.
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I look like this and say this.


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Meds you are NOT two different people


But I do doe


OP is right


Absolutely retarded tranny fantasy, holy shit.

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A picture is worth a thousand words


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I will ask the only valid question...



idgaf just normalize ethnostates for every race so black people can have their own and white people have their own and jewish people have their own

at least gets jewish influence away from us and they have enough technology to stop sandniggers without us

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