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/pol/ - Politics

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What are the political implications of me getting a 1 month ban on 4cuck for posting this gem on /int/?
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i managed to get permabans on the 'cuck several times.


>Clear cookies
>Reset router
Ban is now gone
>Post image again


no arrow therefore you LOOK and TALK like unpaid tranjan


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discord tranny


What are the political implications of you getting a 1 month ban on soyjak.cuckold for posting that gem on soyjak.cuckold?

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1st and 3rd are wrong



Made through Tor



Made through Tor


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so real


Is this for or against change tho

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wouldnt you just get shot if you posted a troonjak under anarcho-communism?

Why does "anarchism" inevitably lead to the strictest rules?
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>Why does "anarchism" inevitably lead to the strictest rules?
No rules breeds chaos which breeds the need in mans heart to be ruled by “oppressive” regimes


Reddit didnt exist when Kropotkin was around meds


Marge, my skin isn’t the color of poop so I don’t know what that is


Haha seethe more Kikeswine


Because Warlordism is based

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I'm willing to bet not a single one of you has any intellectual Nuance on anything political you cartoon watching gooning chud tards

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this board is /infantile/ read Marx and also look into Bordiga
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Well, from what I know of Albania I wouldn’t call them “Muslim”
59% is 38% is Christian and the rest are atheist,
I have a few Bosnians I know and they told me that Islam in Albanian and Bosnia is dying at such a fast rate due to their connection with turkey having severed,


Land connection, as Greece Serbia and Bulgaria are on the way now


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true, especially since their commie era, also their kangs in 1910s started to orient towards the west which made one of the last best scholars who was albanian flee to arabia(look up Al-Albani), and the whole collapse of the ottomans,arab states are suffering the same but way slower.most of our leaders are puppets too.with some states being outright zog colonies like UAE and morocco.while our populace is being turned into defeatists and libtards



is all of it in armenian?

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>Adolf Hitler is crowned the Emperor in his capital Germania after the great Nazi victory of Europe
>Dirlewanger and his men timidly bow to Hitler
>"My friends… You bow to no one."
>Hitler bows and drops on one knee
>Everyone assembled including the entire NSDAP kneels before the Dirlewanger Brigade
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>>>Adolf Hitler is crowned the Emperor in his capital Germania after the great Nazi victory of Europe
>>>Dirlewanger and his men timidly bow to Hitler
>>>"My friends… You bow to no one."
>>>Hitler bows and drops on one knee
>>>Everyone assembled including the entire NSDAP kneels before the Dirlewanger Brigade


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>I gotta crown some guys dirty wang for Hitler or something


Dirlewanger did nothing wrong all of the "war crimes" he supposedly committed were made up by Jews


weren't the germs themselves disgusted by him

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What is it about HasanAbi that makes chuds seethe so much? Is it envy?

>One of the biggest streamers

>1.1 million subscribers on YouTube alone
>Twice that many followers on Twitch
>Regularly pulls in 500 thousand views on his Twitch streams
>A whole army of intelligent zoomers soon to vote in the next elections

It is clear that Communism is on the rise, far faster than your incel ideology ever will be.

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I didn't even know who this fag was until last week who the hell even cares about him


At this point i dont care about politics or anything at all because we will all die and im only really focusing on prepping for the apocalypse

Commies may cope and dream about their shitty utopia but we will all die before 2029 because of a nuclear war and then after that monarchy and tribalism shall dominate our now destroyed radiation filled world


Half of the time Hasan does not even know what he is talking about. His content is infantile at best. He usually attacks only half a point and leaves it at that, never actually debunking an entire argument.
<also your flag is gay kys


thats not true doe most societies for 200,000 years were large anarchist communes


then they progressed

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Show me some good documentaries about politics, and topics relevant to politics such as history, finance, mass psychology, and religion.
I'll start:
Africa Addio
Deals with African decolonization and the savagery that accompanied it

The Gift
Gay people who spread HIV on purpose

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that's literally just the soytry name for Africa Addio chud


American Krogan has a good series on Bioshock. It's kinda long but deboonks a lot of the woke bullshit injected into the game's storyline.


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The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia
One of the actually good pieces Vice did before it went to shit.

Ra - Path of the Sun God
Cartoon that explains one version of the Egyptian creation story, with an artstyle that is pure kino

I was thinking more of professionally produced documentaries with interesting footage, but if you don't mind just listening to some right-wing guy explaining stuff, check out this one on how Kabbalists are attempting to steal the souls of their enemies:


what does a soy country mean doe


You will need a vpn if you are from germany since bitchute will block holohoax debunking

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>jannoid deleted the abby thread


I deleted the thread

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TND xisters why are more white people dying than being born while more Black people are being born then die. We are already posting as hard as we can and make so many coaly edits from naked dead black babies from our goon folders, yet nothing helps. What can we do now xisters?
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Buck broken discord troon




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>Buck brok-AAAAAACKKKKK!!!!!

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