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wouldnt you just get shot if you posted a troonjak under anarcho-communism?

Why does "anarchism" inevitably lead to the strictest rules?


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is there an organization dedicated entirely to shooting people who post troonjaks, that doesnt make any sense doe



that leads to another contradiction of anarchism: there's no state, so whos gonna shoot the nazi chuds who post troonjaks


you said under anarchism they would get shot but then now you say they wouldnt


Most anarchists want chuddies to get shot but they wouldn’t have the means organize against them


I mean chuds do mass shootings all of the time


Yea but their ideal society doesn’t contradict their actions


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just because there's no state doesnt mean your actions arent a harm others


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Ideology called anarchism even doe it has more rules than almost any other political ideology


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we should kill you for simply existing if you threaten us for simply existing, fucking loser fascist


what are the rules


And more importantly who enforces xim/xer pronouns?


I wouldn’t be allowed to post troonjaks, or privately own any means of production


>Why does "anarchism" inevitably lead to the strictest rules?
No rules breeds chaos which breeds the need in mans heart to be ruled by “oppressive” regimes


Reddit didnt exist when Kropotkin was around meds


Marge, my skin isn’t the color of poop so I don’t know what that is


Haha seethe more Kikeswine


Because Warlordism is based

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