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/pol/ - Politics

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What is it about HasanAbi that makes chuds seethe so much? Is it envy?

>One of the biggest streamers

>1.1 million subscribers on YouTube alone
>Twice that many followers on Twitch
>Regularly pulls in 500 thousand views on his Twitch streams
>A whole army of intelligent zoomers soon to vote in the next elections

It is clear that Communism is on the rise, far faster than your incel ideology ever will be.

>More than half of zoomers embrace socialism more than capitalism

Clearly the people have spoken, and they have spoken for communism.

To add more salt in the wounds of the salty chuds… did Hasan just BTFO all the chud's great replacement bullshit?

>Dismantles arguments about how Jews are in charge of it all

>Dismantles that race even exists and is a social construct
>Explains how mainstream media virtue signals to them and how their ideas aren't that niche and obscure
>Explains the entire history of the concept of race
>How Capitalism oppresses black people more then white people because that's what billionaires and the bourgeoisie wants
>Explains how anti-semetism is the fools populism
How do (You) refute all these arguments? He literally actually has the brain to back his arguments up instead of the chud "MUH JOOOOOS"

>inb4 sage

>inb4 people bring up Hitler or some dumb shit
>inb4 someone says whites are superior because 13/50 or some dumb shit like that

Actually refute his arguments… I'll wait.


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words words words
he is just a retard


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It doesn't suprise me a romanian gyspy is stealing others opinions and using only their video as source of a political arguement.


he is a democratic socialist who advocates for gun control, aka a lib. I don't take "socialists" like this seriously


crimea chud is that you? how are you going?
are you still fighting or did they send you back at home?


shill go back on 4cuck


I didn't even know who this fag was until last week who the hell even cares about him


At this point i dont care about politics or anything at all because we will all die and im only really focusing on prepping for the apocalypse

Commies may cope and dream about their shitty utopia but we will all die before 2029 because of a nuclear war and then after that monarchy and tribalism shall dominate our now destroyed radiation filled world


Half of the time Hasan does not even know what he is talking about. His content is infantile at best. He usually attacks only half a point and leaves it at that, never actually debunking an entire argument.
<also your flag is gay kys


thats not true doe most societies for 200,000 years were large anarchist communes


then they progressed

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