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/pol/ - Politics

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Show me some good documentaries about politics, and topics relevant to politics such as history, finance, mass psychology, and religion.
I'll start:
Africa Addio
Deals with African decolonization and the savagery that accompanied it

The Gift
Gay people who spread HIV on purpose

The Lost Gospels
Formation of the Christian canon and the various gospels that didn't make it into the New Testament

Who Wrote The Bible
Very basic introduction to biblical scholarship


Africa blood and guts


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that's literally just the soytry name for Africa Addio chud


American Krogan has a good series on Bioshock. It's kinda long but deboonks a lot of the woke bullshit injected into the game's storyline.


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The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia
One of the actually good pieces Vice did before it went to shit.

Ra - Path of the Sun God
Cartoon that explains one version of the Egyptian creation story, with an artstyle that is pure kino

I was thinking more of professionally produced documentaries with interesting footage, but if you don't mind just listening to some right-wing guy explaining stuff, check out this one on how Kabbalists are attempting to steal the souls of their enemies:


what does a soy country mean doe


You will need a vpn if you are from germany since bitchute will block holohoax debunking

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