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/pol/ - Politics

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What are the political implications of me getting a 1 month ban on 4cuck for posting this gem on /int/?


Ich weiß nicht


>What are the political implications of me getting a 1 month ban on 4cuck for posting this gem on /int/?

4keks having a very sensitive anus
and also the neccesity for you to get acquainted with a certain utility called hashcat


Wovon redest du, polack-nigger?


idk :\


sanest austrioid


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blöde Kuh
stirb jung in Krankheit, Not und Einsamheit


Yet they let nigger cock faggot porn sit up for hours but not a fucking joke or 4chan tier knowledge or any kind

really makes you think


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how did you even manage to get 30 days? what reason did janny give you?
i once got 30 days for telling a pedo to kys but they automatically ban anyone who participates in pedo threads so i was able to appeal it
other than that i always get 3 day bans which you can't appeal, i'm 100% certain the jannies do this so they don't get in trouble


i managed to get permabans on the 'cuck several times.


>Clear cookies
>Reset router
Ban is now gone
>Post image again


no arrow therefore you LOOK and TALK like unpaid tranjan


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discord tranny


What are the political implications of you getting a 1 month ban on soyjak.cuckold for posting that gem on soyjak.cuckold?

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