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>I love islamofACK


seethe kike


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A little unrelated but i sometimes like reading radioislam, even though some of the groups it promotes are heretical, they have a lot of truth to say about the jews, especially relevant is what ernst zündel said. Now many years old, i can't believe this stuff hasn't worked itself into mainstream natsoc consciousness


Found this gemmy on there


you have no foreskin LOL KEK LMAO

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I genuinely don't understand why a white person would want to be in a relationship with a nigger.
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Trvth. Just having sex with them dirty monkeys is understandable but anything le serious with them is no no




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It is though


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obvious answer: they're attracted to that black person.

its critical thinking i dont know how else i can say it.

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Did she just BTFO all of /pol/'s 13/50 arguements??!


oldNIGGER dust


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no but he just did


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Xe couldn't prevent the BLM riots so no


IDK ask the americans who see 13/50 all day every day.

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>The rich white neoliberals wanted to invade Iraq for oil.
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the @poster is just a more schizophrenic and retarded version of pblm, except pblm was based. im trans btw


because it's the one angle that US state funded mockingbird CIA media was allowed to cover, and that leftoid jon stewart watching mutts in 2004 were encouraged to smirkingly parrot at every opportunity
>*proceeds to vote for the other candidate who fucks children in front of a mossad 1 way mirrors*
of course it's not untrue - but it's only ONE (1) facet of dozens. the US invaded iraq for oil - yes. the US also invaded iraq so halliburton and dyncorp could make a fortune rebuilding all the shit the US blew up, to fulfill the PNAC document, for more military contracts and expenditure, to justify increased surveillance, to train a new generation of NCOs, to practice disarming american citizens, to traffic guns drugs and sex slaves, to destroy israels enemies, etc. iraqs oil output is insignificant when compared to amerimutt oil consumption. it didn't stop the price going to $140 in 2008 or whatever the fuck it was (of course the "peak oil" lie was a whole different story)


Trvthnuke. It wasn't about "the oil" in the sense that most people think it is, we never needed to take the oil, it was more about weakening iraq's ability to make money from the oil


which is why i'm waiting for chechen or russian partizans paid by the US to attack russias oil fields - perhaps samotlor. that's what i'd do if i were the CIA



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How do you fix this behavior?


shes right





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Red people are retarded


No arrow


so they are not people then.

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I belive it’s because of generational trauma. It’s not because they are black, because black immigrants in Europe are doing quite well on average, better in France than nafris.

But because of genetic transferred trauma from slavery.

In the animal kingdom, trauma are passed trough, that’s why today’s cat will get scared of comcumbers, because their ancestors had to to protect themselves against snakes . and it created a mental signal which resulted in cats being scared of cumcumbers (looking like snakes).
And all the animals are affected by it.
So why not humans?

Why don’t you belive that 400 years of constant, beating, physical trauma rape, slavery, murders, people stealing, a lifetime of servitude and brutalitlyand selling your children and humiliations.
All that necessarly will have an effect on the brain along the chimicals.
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built 4 BBC


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nigger genes stay nigger genes
fuck niggers


Her boobs are not that big




Gonna goon my bbc to picrel just to spite you op

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just testing something


it failed


Kuzzy wtf i have a vpn and wanted my ip to be israeli but it not work!!!! FIX IT KUZZY WHY IS IT GERMAN


Was soll der Scheiß hier, das ist nicht Reddit du Affennecher


kill yourself pedo

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kek how will christcucks recover from this


Literally who cares




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May God strike these pigs with his ire


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>old syriac church

Why don’t we fucking behead these fuckers I want to see them strung up those dirty fucking sand niggers

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What are the political implications of niggers hanging themselves?
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Stop seething at baltchads, mutt


Hey mixed-race bastard, shut your unwashed mouth when the whites talk


I posted this first


eeer.. less niggers ?


Xer tryna save self and says I don't want to die :3 (〃^ω^〃)

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