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>The rich white neoliberals wanted to invade Iraq for oil.


they really say this


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>The rich white neoliberals wanted to invade Iraq for oil.


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>>The rich white neoliberals wanted to invade Iraq for oil.


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>>>The rich white neoliberals wanted to invade Iraq for oil.


how do retards think over trillion dollars were spent on fighting in iraq just to get money back from oil?


The glory of war is worth so much more than oil


>Woah! War and displacing millions of untold civilians is so heckin' cool, just like my Reddit Chungus Warhammer games!


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>Woah! War and displacing millions of untold civilians is so heckin' cool, just like my Reddit Chungus Warhammer games!


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what in the unholy mother of coal


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>If I compliment a nonsensical statement with a GigaChad, I win the argument by default! Checkmate, soyboy commie cuck (even though I'm using a site originally made to mock soyboys but I've since adopted the Soyjack as an identity)


they were jooz actually


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>Holding neoliberal white power structures accountable for their countless war crimes? Well, some of the white hegemonic advisors at the time had some faint JOOISH ancestry so CHECKMATE, LIBERAL!


We fought for oil and not for israel even though we never got the oil we were supposedly fighting for and the jewish terror nation expanded its borders like the great ally it is


Oy vey.


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>Well, some of the white hegemonic advisors at the time had some faint JOOISH ancestry so CHECKMATE, LIBERAL!
They were overrepresented and not faintly jewish, very jewish


da joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz do everything. What are they Gods or something? Im gonna start a new religion where we worship da jooz. Wait that's just evangelism


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>Le white neoliberals committed countless war crimes even doe the USA's Middle-Eastern war ventures were all approved by the UN and adhered to the Geneva convention, war crimes are when my feelings get hurt.


Leftoids worship jews also, they don't dare question them or point them out and get really really mad if other people do.


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>Stupid liberals! Don't they know that the UN approved of the War in Iraq which displaced millions of innocent civilians? Checkmate, commie! Never mind how this is a self-own since I'm subconsciously admitting that the UN is a vehicle of neoliberal white hegemony and serves no purpose other than to justify foreign invasions for oil in the Middle East and to give war criminals an excuse to look "humanitarian" as they haul immigrants into cages on the Southern border! I am so intelligent for that remark! Just like Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson!


da leftoids actually worship jooz even doe leftoids want an end to the state of israel. da leftoids worship da jooz bcuz they dont buy my retarded global conspiracy retardation "its da lizardpipo" "its da illuminati" "Its DA JOOOOOZ"


not trolling they were


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Not all leftoids want to end the state of Israel doey. Also they love jews ordering them around as long as they wear a commissar uniform.


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>UN is le evil white nazi hegemony even though the majority of the members are nonwhite and include China and Russia and African countries, and it supports heckin' trans rights and demands more Holocaust memorials be built.


They want a Soviet Israel where everyone is waving red flags and decrying imperialism, functionally no less anti white and subversive than zionist neocons are



The US invaded Iraq both for oil and for expanding Israeli lebensraum, one does not exclude the other


>The US invaded Iraq both for oil
Which they never received in the end and could have traded for instead of starting a massive war against (coincidentally) Israel's enemies
>Israeli lebensbraum
Wanted by the dual Isreali citizen Jews in US gov and not the american people as Israel is an illegal terrorist state founded on the lie of the Holocaust that alienates all of its would be Allies in the Middle east


America's would be alloes*


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didn't the war benefit the BNWO by giving america more power and displacing millions of people? Dumbass


We didn't "get free oil" for Invading Iraq, OPEC actually price-gouged white nations during that period.


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stop asking questions chud it was good for white hegemony because I said so ok????


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>Those commie cucks, thinking that killing millions of innocent civilians would not in fact benefit the Black New World Order! Yep, everyone knows that the BNWO obtained more power when potential Black bulls were killed by neoliberal drone strikes, that's an undeniable fact right there. And everyone knows that advancing the far-right neoliberal hegemony ADVANCED the Black New World Order because it made the USA more powerful and not the other way around! Surely neoliberal white power structures support the Black New World Order – just look at all of those half-assed "woke" commercials free thinkers like Tim Pool and The Quartering are rightfully calling out as communist subversion (as opposed to half-measures by neoliberal megacorps to keep the public distracted as they commit more human rights violations). There is no way in hell that drone strikes weakened the BNWO and there is absolutely zero way that American hegemony weakened snowbunnies, not a snowball's chance in Hades! I am so smart


^Actual retard.


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>black bulls even doe Iraqis aren't black
>bad for Kalergi plan even doe it sent millions of brown people to white countries to breed out white people


This is true and as we speak they continue to do it in Syria the newest frontier of Judeo-White imperialism in West Asia






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ok but why would a white hegemonic state allow "snowbunnies" to even become a thing????


The invasions displaced lots of Arab nations' citizens, which gave them an excuse to seek refugee status in Europe (the EU and UN simp for refugees flooding into white countries nonstop); and this Arab migration wave also made way for a lot of Sub-Saharan Africans and Somalis to tag along which helped the BWNO albeit.


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>Gah! A white hegemonic state falling apart at the seems would DEFINITELY support snowbunnies! Nope, this isn't because the white hegemonic power structure is slowly losing power and the white plutocrats terrified at the prospects and prosperity a Black New World Order will bring, not at all, it's because the neoliberal white power structures support snowbunnies! Just look at all of those halfhearted ads of fake snowbunnies on TV! That's definitely real, and not in any way staged to neutralize the spread of the Black New World Order by making snowbunnies seem "uncool" and "too corporate"! Don't be ridiculous, commie cuck! The neoliberal white order is more powerful than ever!


I look nothing like this nor do any of these descriptors fit me.


why would a white hegemonic state need to engage in any of these convoluted psyops that you made up in your head to excuse what's right there in front of you. If things were truly as you describe then the civil rights act, repeal of miscegenation laws, hart cellar, and the 13th and 14th amendments would have never existed.

You don't have any actual reason for why any of these would happen under a "white hegemonic state" so you say "ITS 4D CHESS JUST BELIEVE ME OKAY??!??!?!"


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>White hegemony falling apart at the seems, even doe they can mind control every single politician in leftist black neighborhood districts.


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>Hey, LIBERAL! Riddle me this – if the white hegemonic power structure is falling apart at the seems, then why are there sociaists-in-name-only wielding their power to imprison communities of color? CHECKMATE! Never mind how the collapse of a white hegemonic power structure would is a slow-acting one with some areas collapsing a lot slower than other ones, and definitely don't pay attention to how "states rights" philosophies in Southern states toppled with right-to-work laws have allowed states to all-but divorce from the federal government in the name of upholding secessionist tradition, thus strengthening and localizing white hegemonic power state-by-state! That's all a bunch of liberal poppycock designed to hide from the fact that there is NO SUCH THING as a white hegemonic power structure and there NEVER WILL BE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
>The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone? What's that? A show of how police departments are under-funded instead of a sign that the white hegemonic power structure is collapsing faster in some areas quicker than others? Give me a break!


>The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

didn't their epic antifa security force kill 2 black kids and then their zone got dismantled in a day?


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why would a white hegemony abolish slavery and refuse to repatriate, legalize miscegenation, ratify the 13th and 14th amendments, give women the right to vote, pass the civil rights act, pass hart cellar, and allow racemixing propaganda in literally every single advertisement?


Nigger explain how black leftists being district attorneys and letting niggers off the hook constantly isn't a manifestation of your world view? Do you think there should be no punishment for niggers for their crimes whatsoever? That sounds kinda funny, I'd love to see ghetto niggers running around murdering each-other and white leftists because some leftoid made crime totally legal.


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CHAZ was a manifestation of the @troon's politics; they got pretty much everything they wanted, anarchy with niggers and trannies as the de facto tribe leaders.


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>Again, if there's such thing as a white hegemonic power structure, then how come there are Black chiefs of police in an impoverished Black cities? Surely this must be proof that the white hegemony doesn't exist and not proof that the white hegemony is racially chameleonic in nature, sometimes using token minorities to further the illusion that true racial justice has been achieved in this country because a Black man is commanding police officers to crack the skulls of peaceful protestors instead of a white man! I am so smart! Yep, I sure owned that liberal with that one and am no way missing the point of the all-encompassing oppression of the current (albeit a little weakened) neoliberal white hegemonic order! I am a genius!


>they got pretty much everything they wanted

including dead nigger kids?




not reading a single one post that starts with a @


They didn't want that but it's an inherent byproduct of their retardation.


you're just reposting pastas from the other thread. I'll ask you again before I go out and smoke aryan tobacco: why would a white hegemony abolish slavery and refuse to repatriate, legalize miscegenation, ratify the 13th and 14th amendments, give women the right to vote, pass the civil rights act, pass hart cellar, and allow racemixing propaganda in literally every single advertisement, movie, and TV show?


So what you're saying is that Nazi Aryan GODS dominate every single city block in the United States and there's no hope for leftysissies and tbps to ever win?


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>Moved to >>>/pol/60165




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it's trve, just look at divest twitter, even negresses don't want their own men anymore


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>Hah! Look at this one cherrypicked example of a Black women next to a Confederate flag! Surely this will neutralize all of the snowbunnies that have grown exponentially in number as more and more ytbois die off and become toilet slaves for BBC! Yep, those BNWO commies have zero grassroots support! Only terminally online freaks and not every single white women I've ever met! It's not like Black bulls are superior to ytbois, that's impossible! Nope, it's the other way around! Surely Black women will appreciate my tiny white pecker since all the white women I know have rejected me... right?


CHAZ was proof that local leftoid politicians (The Seattle mayor) are pretty much on your side albeit. All that denial in this thread and the other was for nothing.


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>CHAZ was just proof that the Democrats-in-name-only support dismantling the same white hegemonic power structure that boosted them into power in the first place! Never mind how the Seattle Police cracked a number of skulls and hospitalized dozens of peaceful protestors under the indirect dog-whisting of the mayor, no, that never happened! Yep, Seattle is a hub of far-left villainy and definitely not a neoliberal hub of white supremacist hegemony! Don't even humor such a brainless concept!


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So trve xister


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>The Seattle police cracked like 3 people's skulls while the rioters vandalized a Federal courthouse for 3 months, among other buildings, it's over the CHAZ has fallen.


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>Another isolated example that probably came from a Karen in digital Blackface – that MUST be a sign that the Black New World Order is only a fringe ideology! "I Like BBC" dances all over TikTok with more than two-hundred-thousand likes and untold thousands of self-proclaimed snowbunnies vowing to say no to ytbois no matter what? Must be a JOOOISH ruse! And ytbois vowing to become toilet slaves to BBC? Another JOOOISH trick to distract the superior HYPERBOREAN SIGMA MALE! Nope! This one incident that could have easily been faked shows that the Black New World Order is a joke that will never happen, never in a hundred-thousand trillion years over and then over again!


TBPsissies I don't feel so good...


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>it could have easily been faked even doe it isn't and it's a real podcast that tens of thousands of black qveens listen to on a bi-weekly basis and the black qveen divestment movement is only growing


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>Wow! An isolated channel that hasn't uploaded in two years – if that's not proof that the Black New World Order is a sham, I don't know what is!
>Ytboi beatdowns getting more than a million views on YouTube and Black New World Order spreading like wildfire on TikTok? JOOISH TRICKS TO DEMORALIZE THE YTBOI!


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>hasn't uploaded in 2 years even doe they just did a livestream last night and I'm a retard who doesn't know how to use pootube


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>bragging about racemixing


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>Who in their right mind would want to brag about race-mixing? Can't that liberal see I just got done bragging about the fringe "Black Divestment Movement" no one has ever heard about or paid attention to? Black women love tiny white peckers and they love getting BLEACHED! But who in their right mind would want to brag about race-mixing? That's just dumb.


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the @poster is just a more schizophrenic and retarded version of pblm, except pblm was based. im trans btw


because it's the one angle that US state funded mockingbird CIA media was allowed to cover, and that leftoid jon stewart watching mutts in 2004 were encouraged to smirkingly parrot at every opportunity
>*proceeds to vote for the other candidate who fucks children in front of a mossad 1 way mirrors*
of course it's not untrue - but it's only ONE (1) facet of dozens. the US invaded iraq for oil - yes. the US also invaded iraq so halliburton and dyncorp could make a fortune rebuilding all the shit the US blew up, to fulfill the PNAC document, for more military contracts and expenditure, to justify increased surveillance, to train a new generation of NCOs, to practice disarming american citizens, to traffic guns drugs and sex slaves, to destroy israels enemies, etc. iraqs oil output is insignificant when compared to amerimutt oil consumption. it didn't stop the price going to $140 in 2008 or whatever the fuck it was (of course the "peak oil" lie was a whole different story)


Trvthnuke. It wasn't about "the oil" in the sense that most people think it is, we never needed to take the oil, it was more about weakening iraq's ability to make money from the oil


which is why i'm waiting for chechen or russian partizans paid by the US to attack russias oil fields - perhaps samotlor. that's what i'd do if i were the CIA



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