No since black folx/countries weren't usually the ones attacking germany or helping da joooooz
>>60157Jews know muslims don't give a shit if the holocaust actually happened or not. Since we hate because of israel. That's why they spread lies about hitler giving Mussolini all of north africa and the levant after the war as in rebuilding the "roman empire"
>>60158Mussolini was a retard who had his own ambitions, hence why germany publicly supported the ethiopian side against italy, i don't think there was much interest in north africa besides dislodging the allied forces, securing oil pipelines and controlling the mediterranean sea
>>60155no he wasn't a globalist he only wanted to reunite Germany
>>60160very based.he still brutally murdered lybian resistance so meh unless he was gonna surrender it peacefully after years after the war that would be nice. its funny how everyone in the arab world was raised to think we are lucky the allies won
>>60420Just read this after looking at a wikipedo page of a polish mufti who was appointed by the germans to rule over eastern regions, apparently he converted some italian fascists to join islam
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakub_Szynkiewicz>In a dramatic episode at the congress, Mufti Szynkiewicz demanded that the director of the Istituto Superiore Orientale di Napoli, Count Bernardo Barbiellini Amidei, pronounce the profession of faith (shahada) three times before congress participants when the count appeared before the congress to ask that it formally recognize his adherence to IslamMore on mussolini from the cited source
>Mussolini wrote articles in the Popolo d'Italia demanding Syrian independence with such ardor as we had never seen in any European. A short time later, Mussolini became head of state, and—strange thing for a revolutionary turned head of state—did not change his attitude toward our cause. The Italian delegation at the League of Nations always demanded the abolition of British and French mandates over Iraq, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, and supported the complete independence of those countries.21https://web.archive.org/web/20080504143957/http://www.geocities.com/martinkramerorg/IslamAssembled/Geneva.htmInteresting that the so called "colonialist" fascists never actually did any colonialism much opposed to the zionist rulers of this world
>>60155No. The only reason Germany was even in North Africa was to cut Britain off from its oil supplies. Hitler wanted to enlarge Germany's territory for sure, but he was more interested in eastern Europe on that account.
There's a complex history between NatSocs and Muslims, this video touches on a lot of it:
https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-HitlerZionism:7 №60426
>>60420It's not like EVERY single arab supported the allies, zionists are still seething over the Grand Mufti helping Hitler to the point they've forged quotes from him to blame palestinians for the Holocaust.
shit nobody cares about fan
>>60458kill yourself belgian
>>60423>>60424>>60424that was a good watch. thank you
>>60493you have no foreskin LOL KEK LMAO