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/pol/ - Politics

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das rite antifa ytbois better stay out


KANG put it eloquently


new /ournigger/ just dropped


Dumb fucking nigger you have no place on earth, no real identity, return to hell now


seething troon above me


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Bump based negro

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What does this mean donetskbros?


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Cannot believe the bastards did it. And all because Girkin actually wanted Russia to win the war.


oh my god who the hell cares

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People who don't understand hard sciences like math, biology, chemistry, etc. but somehow believe they can understand society through """"sciences"""" like sociology, philosophy or psychology are a threat to the academia
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>""""sciences"""" like sociology, philosophy or psychology

the thing is these fields just represent the logical progression of materialism which started under the development of hard sciences. They're really the same thing with the same limitations as any field with a materialistic mode of thought. Neither can "explain" anything not limited to the physical plane, such as consciousness, and in turn human behavior and "society" etc


>made up schizobabble from 3,000 years ago is somehow better than phys-ACK!!!


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They basically *are* academia at this point. But yeah, obviously social sciences are unrigorous nonsense. The only things that should be taught at uni are Law and STEM (actual, real sciences. Not "psychology" or "sociology"). Philosophy and the Humanities have no place at the University anymore because books are available everywhere nowadays and laymen can do that shit


Natural and hard sciences are needed to actually maintain the present instead of just live in your little NEET bubble or become a parasite living off of the academic mafia. Obviously math takes precedence over basically every field except for ontology and logic and MAYBE epistemology on the "truth ladder". Some PHILOSOPHERS have even argued that Math takes complete precedence over anything else because values are so immanently knowable.


Science is life hence, Life is Neet. No slavery, no worries, no anything wrong. If you cant understand this them you yourself shouldnt be speaking upon science. Neetism is the ultimate freedom, judaism is anti neet

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>Wh-teoids think a German man who sold his soul to demon for temporary material knowledge while losing his spirit forever in turn is a good model to follow
Faustian "Ideal" sisters, I don't feel so good.... KEK!
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And take some selenium too.


NAC+Glycine+Nano Zeolite can remove heavy metal

PrimaVie Shilajit (or humic acid) can pull out the pesticides like glyphosate and other shit

Chlorine Dioxide works for both things at once


I have stopped using it after finding out that Oswald wasn't a nazi doe


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>t. nigger who didnt even read faust


Faustian civilization doesn't mean "directly modeled off of Faust", that's just a fatal flaw of the civilization, that it would do anything for knowledge. It doesn't mean it doesn't have good qualities

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Can somebody send me a daily Aryan routine for my Aryanmaxing?
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Give your sisters to Nordic men to spawn Jennifer Connelly's.
>But Jews come from the mother
According to Aryan law, the Aryan comes from the father, exponentiated by the daughter's beauty.


By israely law by mother


Pool every day. The chlorine bleaches your hair


That is a religious law though, tribally and familially they go through the father. So if you convert to Judaism you will be a Jew but you still are not from a Jewish lineage, same with matrilineal jews


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There are known cases of people turning into Aryans later in life

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Are you voting DeSantis 2024?


Yeah obviously


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I'm voting 'Ye again


i am going to vote for Robert Francis Kennedy jr.

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Trannies hate this board
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Not to fond of leftypoltroons


Too fond*


go up


I am a trans individual and I find this language highly offensive. Please show some respect to people with mental illness.


im trans and this is my favorite board

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If more christians were like him and not pacifistic philosemitic cuckholds I'd consider religion again
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why? someone way more intelligent and knowledgeable than you'll ever be in those languages has done the work for you you autist


If you like niggers, youre not a Christian


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>Could you give me an example of a scripture's "Jewish interpretation"?
Man, just start reading the book of Genesis on sefaria.org and click on any verse, you'll always find commentary from the Talmud or important Rabbis that'll blow your mind.
For example in the story of the Patriarchs starting with Abraham, a common Jewish meme is to identify Ishmael with the Arabs/Muslims and Esau/Esav/Edom with the Romans/Christians/Europeans, with the destruction of Edom being one of the achievements the Messiah is supposed to fulfill (or that the Israelites are supposed to fulfill themselves in order for Messiah to arrive, according to other interpretations).
Another example is the scene where Moses kills an Egyptian, which the Talmudic sages interpret as meaning that a Gentile deserves the death penalty for punching a Jew "because it is as if he had punched God himself."

>You realize that blindly following religious dogma is basically anti-intellectualism right

Protestantism was born out of a rejection of the Church's dogma and a desire to get closer to the real meaning of the original texts. Stopping that endeavour and just declaring the KJV to be perfect (despite some glaring translation errors) is just intellectual laziness.
If you look at the Jews, they care a great deal about reading religious texts in the original languages (Hebrew and Aramaic for them, although I'm sure many Kabbalists are also fluent in Greek because they steal so much from Plato and the Orphics) and have very lively debates about the meanings of the text.


Oh yeah, remember when one rabbi said Adam fucked all the animals in the garden but couldn't find a "helper" so God made Eve? Wild


yeah I think that's from Genesis Rabbah, though I'd have to look it up to be sure.
There's a lot of weird sexual stuff going on in Jewish apocrypha and commentary, especially Kabbalah. Here's a good video I just came across that showcases some of it:

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wdym you dont like farts?

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i hate the interracial jew like you wouldnt believe
for thousands of years these filthy pavement apes were considered to be the animals they are, and we had to be born in the only time in human history where literal bestiality gets pushed down our throats
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whatever makes you feel better buddy


idk much about italy, everyone says sicilians are monkey ape people, this true? and why?


calabrian, and personally i don't know why


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sicilians are normal italians and the only people obsessed with them are delusional mentally ill imageboard addicts who fell asleep watching blacked porn and exchanged that shit for a history channel documentary


he's probably referring to the 4cuck /pol/niggers who convinced themselves that sicilians are italian speaking niggers somehow
i doubt foreigners are aware of that one meme

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