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People who don't understand hard sciences like math, biology, chemistry, etc. but somehow believe they can understand society through """"sciences"""" like sociology, philosophy or psychology are a threat to the academia


Philosophy and theology are really important to know if you want to do any sort of analysis of history and the world.

Natural and "hard" sciences are not that much needed. You cannot explain metaphysics with biology and chemistry.


Yes you can


Really? Can you show me physicle evidance of logic, ethics, meaning of words, abstract ideas, time and space, the individual self ect.? These are trancedental concepts that you cannot show me under a microscope or in a text tube, but are EScENTUAL in conducting ANY scientific analysis.

You NEED philosophy and theology to epistimologicaly justify your belives in the uniformity of nature. In other words, science without philosophy is useless.


>made up schizobabble from 3,000 years ago is somehow better than physical, material evidence

>physicle evidance of logic,
We're just beginning to understand how the human brain works. Be patient chuddy.
>meaning of words
Etymology and the study of how language originated in order to adapt to a changing environment???
>astract ideas
Now you're just being vague
>time and space
Physics and astronomy
>the individual self
An animal. Nothing more.


there never was a beggining. Science is objective life, it is the truth. Its just that for thousands of years we failed to see it due to other tribes interferences. Specifically inferior neanderthals like blacks, browns and traitors


What about physics doe. Can’t build big shit without physics… or calculus, or material science. I’m an anti intellectual as well but abandoning all forms of science is impossible


That does not answear any of my questions and it shows that you do not know what are you talking about.

You cannot go from facts straight to values. This is called the Is/ought problem or Hume's guillotine. Telling me "evolution" won't tell me why I ought not to kill or steal.

Can you show me where between the atoms can we find that "water" means water or that "seven" means seven?????

This implys to abstract ideas as a hole. You cannot show me ideas physicly.

Physics and astronomy dosn't show me TIME ITSELF. It's not the same as "MUH WATCH". Can you show me the "substance" of time? What about the past of future? Have you heard the problem of induction?

By "the individual self" i meant your personal conscious observation and perception. You cannot prove to me or anyone that you have a consciousnes.

The things that I've mentioned are transcedental categories - categories that cannot be proven by physicle means, but are NECESEARY in order to conduct any form of science.

Truth reqiers some sort of a moral judgment system. From where do you get that? Why am i OUGHT to follow the "truth"?

Im not saying to abandon all forms of science. What I'm trying to say is that science and philosophy are heavily connected. There is literally a subject called "The philosophy of science" that deals with the scientific method.


>""""sciences"""" like sociology, philosophy or psychology

the thing is these fields just represent the logical progression of materialism which started under the development of hard sciences. They're really the same thing with the same limitations as any field with a materialistic mode of thought. Neither can "explain" anything not limited to the physical plane, such as consciousness, and in turn human behavior and "society" etc


>made up schizobabble from 3,000 years ago is somehow better than phys-ACK!!!


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They basically *are* academia at this point. But yeah, obviously social sciences are unrigorous nonsense. The only things that should be taught at uni are Law and STEM (actual, real sciences. Not "psychology" or "sociology"). Philosophy and the Humanities have no place at the University anymore because books are available everywhere nowadays and laymen can do that shit


Natural and hard sciences are needed to actually maintain the present instead of just live in your little NEET bubble or become a parasite living off of the academic mafia. Obviously math takes precedence over basically every field except for ontology and logic and MAYBE epistemology on the "truth ladder". Some PHILOSOPHERS have even argued that Math takes complete precedence over anything else because values are so immanently knowable.


Science is life hence, Life is Neet. No slavery, no worries, no anything wrong. If you cant understand this them you yourself shouldnt be speaking upon science. Neetism is the ultimate freedom, judaism is anti neet

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