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/pol/ - Politics

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>Why do good girls like Black guys? I've had this question for a real long time


>Good girls
>Like niggers
You’re beyond retarded


has there ever actually been anyone who looked just like that and wore that same jacket though?


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>Why would good girls obsess over Black bvlls? I mean, why would a good woman want a man with a giant penis (as opposed to us ytbois who can't compete)? And why the hell would women be attracted to strong alpha Black men? That just doesn't make any sense! I'm not the egg in denial subconsciously projecting his lust for Black men onto imaginary JOOISH TRANS GIRLS, YOU'RE THE SISSY HYPNO ADDICT WHO GOONS TO CECEFEM!


literally nobody says this


24/7 'olitic spam SNORE


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>NO ONE SAYS THIS, LIBERAL! Those "I Like BBC" TikToks spreading like wildfire online combined with more and more white women pledging to say no to us ytbois is just a coincidence and a psy-op conducted by DA JOOOOZZZZZ to demoralize the Aryan man! There is no way that white women are converting to BBC exponentially, and there is zero way that my former peers are now doing lines of estrogen for CeCeFem! Not at all!


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You are such a fucking loser that it's your fetish. You're so disgusting you should kill yourself your nutless little freak. You have bugs in your skin. You can fly, so jump.




he's right, do you really think white women dont whore themselves to niggers? why are you defending race traitors?


becouse stacy took all the BWC so they settle for BBC instead

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