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If you think you can lose your salvation your saying you will hunger and thirst again

John 6:35
And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.






Heretic COAL


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correct, once you betray your own people by selling your soul to the "King of the Jews" you are forever damned, and you will join him in Jew Hell where you will boil in a lake of feces


Rev 3:9
John 8:44


Wasn't you previously saying that Jesus acutally love jews and will destroy all Gentiles in the second coming?


So you will hunger and thirst again?


Jews hate Chirst because he exposed them as hypocrites


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>I'm not a Jew slave, I swear! Look at these Jewish books where Jews told me what to think about Jews if I want to be a good servant of the Jew King who is prophecied to enslave and destroy me for the benefit of the Jews!
Not very impressed m8y

What Christians believe doesn't matter anyway. All these prophecies only become real because people with power believe in them. And Christians don't have power. Christian leaders just suck Jewish dicks all day, all countries that were dumb enough to adopt Christinsanity are now run by the nation that wrote these books which Jew-enablers like you regard as holy.

Also see >>61597 as for who is actually meant by "the congregation of Satan."

>Got this information from the book of Enoch?
it's all over the messianic prophecies even in the canonical books of the Tanakh. Just go to sefaria.org and look at the passages tagged for the topic #Mashiach as well as the commentary about them, and you'll see it's always about smiting the Gentiles in one way or another.

>Wasn't you previously saying that Jesus acutally love jews

Yes. There is no contradiction here.
Go on youtube and watch a few videos about the role of Satan in Judaism.

Jesus was an incarnation of Esau (as Isaac Luria and others have explicitly said) who is the protegé of Samael and thereby an aspect of Satan. Satan is the admonishing left hand of God, he helps you become a better person by giving you opportunities to overcome him. Jews are supposed to initially hate him, but he's ultimately on their side.
In the case of Jesus, he tempted the Jews to engage in idolatry, and Jesus' followers even attempted to force Jews with violence to engage in idolatry, as happened during the inquisition and the crusades.
Numerous prominent Kabbalists have dropped hints that Jesus was one incarnation the Messiah son-of-Joseph (also called son-of-Ephraim).
He ultimately possessed a Jewish soul as the Lubavitcher Rebbe explicitly confirmed, which means that he can be rectified. His followers, however, cannot be rectified. If it is true what Jesus tells his followers about gaining eternal life in exchange for selling their souls to him, I'm afraid it will be an eternity in the tsoah rotachat, the lowest level of hell where the eternally damned are trapped in boiling feces.

>and will destroy all Gentiles in the second coming?

Yes, he already laid the groundwork for this during the First Coming, when he tricked the Romans into abandoning their own gods and worshiping Satan instead.
Not all Gentiles are to be destroyed because every righteous Jew is supposed to have 2,800 slaves, but Edom (Christians) certainly will be. And the Christians themselves will be helping to fulfill these prohecies, as they are already doing.


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Retarded kraut


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disgusting kike worshiper


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Afcorse i can lose my salvation, do I get saved if i become a faggot? Or If i start murdering? Or if I reject Christ? All of that without repentance (apologising for my sins and to "go home and sin no more")? If i go with the Antichrist, I will go spiritualy hungry and thursty.

Be vigilante, my friends, and don't listen to this protestant bullshit. Salvation is theosis, that is - salvation is a process, not a one time event.

Go to an orthodox church.

Found the jew


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Love the fact that the Orthodox still use the serpent symbolism established by the first pope, which openly shows that Jesus Yeshua is HaSatan and the Jews tricked you into worshiping him, as I explained in >>61597

Imagine being so depraved and rotten that you worship a Jew.


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Protestant gravestone.


Judas of Iscariot was saved once, does that mean that he never lost his salvation?



God is still not real sorry


>Christ is Satan incarnate
So Satan was trying to trick himself after he got baptized by John the Baptist?
And what about other abrahamic religions (or religions at all), are they also made by Satan?
Those alien tales are hitting harder than I ever could expect.


Do you have any arguments aside from just calling Christians "Jews"?


You think some sins that you don't do make you better than others


Judas was never saved he wanted something from him


>Judas was never saved he wanted something from him
Proof? Sorry, haven't read the Bible yet.

Also, do you really believe that it's impossible to fall once you're saved?


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I have never called you a Jew, you liar.

I have abundantly proven that you have been tricked by Jews into worshiping Satan so that they can blame their sins on you, just like they got you to identify yourselves as "White" (instead of European) so that they can blame the crimes and iniquities which they themselves commit on White people, i.e. you.

Is it really so hard to understand for you that the Jews of antiquity operated the same way as the Jews of today?

Have you not realized that when Jews want to harm you, they always try to get you to believe and do the opposite of what they think is true and good? As with Chuck Schumer who promotes abortion of Goy children in the US while opposing abortion of Jew children in Israel, or all these Jews who promote mass-immigration and racemixing to us while they build walls around Israel and marry Jewish spouses?

Why do you think Jews like Yeshua, Saul and Kepha asked you to turn the other cheek when a Jew strikes you, or to give your money away to Jews, or to engage in idolatry by worshiping the Jewish king? Because they were your friends and they want your best? They were doing the same thing as they do today, they tricked their enemies into doing the opposite of what they wanted their own people to practice.

Christianity was from its inception an esoteric mystery religion, and its true meaning and purpose is far different from what it proclaims to outsiders. Jesus himself said even in the canonical gospels that it's impossible to decipher the true meaning of Christianity without knowledge of these secret doctrines which are hidden from you, as it is written in Matthew 13 and Mark 4:
<The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
<He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.
<to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that,
<they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
<and ever hearing but never understanding

Judas was the most trusted of Jesus' disciples, a deceiver among deceivers. This is made clear in the Gospel of Judas, which unfortunately only came down to us in fragments because the Church Fathers sought to prevent its secrets from reaching the public, such as the fact that the job of Jesus' disciples was to lead people like you astray so that you may serve as a sacrifice to Satan:
<Jesus said to [his disciples] "they have shamefully planted fruitless trees in my name. You're the ones receiving the offerings on the altar you've seen [in the vision they just told Jesus about]. That's the God you serve, and you're the twelve people you've seen. And the animals you saw brought in to be sacrificed are the crowd you lead astray

>John 8:44
That passage doesn't say anything about Satan. Look at it in the original Greek, not your Murrican Bible College Translation.
Jesus here points out that YHWH, whom the Jews claim as their father, is the devil (διαβόλου) and was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, i,e, in Bereshit/Genesis. He was a liar because he told Eve that
<of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die
which obviously didn't happen when she ate of it.
He is called a murderer because of all the killings God committed throughout the Torah and Tanakh.
This is also why "the devil" is called "the god of this world" in numerous places in the New Testament, which makes absolutely no sense if you identify the devil with Satan as he is portrayed in the Tanakh, but makes complete sense if you identify the devil as YHWH.

The Serpent on the other hand never killed anyone in the entire Torah, and he spoke the truth when he said to Eve that she would not die in the day she ate from the tree.
That Serpent who opposed YHWH was a vehicle of Satan, and it was Jesus. This is still hinted at in the serpent symbolism of the Orthodox church:
This is also explicitly stated in various Gnostic writings such as The Nature of the Rulers, which were writings that reflected the esoteric teachings of the initiates of the Church's inner circle and were censored so that regular exoteric Christians would not realize that they're being used as sacrifices to Satan and receptacles into which the Jews may transfer the blame for their sins.

>So Satan was trying to trick himself after he got baptized by John the Baptist?
Could you point me to the exact passage you mean?

I would like to point out that exoteric Christianity teaches that God sacrificed himself to himself in order to save mankind from himself, which is absolute nonsense.

>And what about other abrahamic religions

The Zohar, which Kabbalist Jews claim was written in the 2nd century by Shimon Ben Yohai, already mentions Islam and the role it is to play in world history as an adversary to Christianity. This means that either the Jews lied about when the Zohar was written or they created Islam with the intention of creating a force to oppose the Christians. I think the Jews simply lied about the age of the Zohar.

I do not know much about early Islamic history, so I really can't comment as to the involvement of Jews in its creation, other than that it's obviously based on Jewish scripture. However, from a Jewish perspective Islam is close to the perfect way in which Noahides (righteous non-Jews) should live, while Christianity is so wicked that every Christian should be decapitated.

The Kabbalists identify Islam as the right side of the sefirotic tree, the side of lovingkindness, Chesed. Christianity is the left side, the side of severity, Gevura or Din.
The chief deity of the Christians is Samael, the male aspect of Satan:
Islam is sometimes identified with Lilith, the female aspect of Satan.

>are they also made by Satan?

Satan didn't make anything, he is a mythological figure. Again, none of this stuff is real, it's all just Jewish fairy tales and it only becomes real by people believing in it.
>Those alien tales are hitting harder than I ever could expect.
what do you mean?


>what do you mean?
I think that Yahweh is just an alien (or whole resaerch branch of them) that was testing how religious systems works on human's mind.
If you read all Old Testament you may notice that plenty of things in there seems to be some really advanced technology that those people interpreted as atributes of enlightment being named YHWH such as the ark of the covenant that is just superadvanced warfare device probably powered by uranium. When the philistines captured it its power caused tumors to appear on the bodies of all the inhabitants of the city. It also destroyed the walls of Jericho without putting much effort (I mean for weapon, but walking around the walls probably wasn't neccesary for device to work). Got any thoughts how and why?
You should either pay attention to God's kabod that Moses and Isaiah saw when they meeted him.
Also, "God" of the Bible isn't all-knowing and omnipresent like many of his modern followers want him to be. The fact that he has got physical presence (that was some kind of creature that we now know as grey alien in my opinion) should be a real warning sign for those who want to worship him as god.


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>I think that Yahweh is just an alien
Ah, gotcha, ancient astronaut theory. Yeah that's an interesting avenue to go down, but when I read scripture I'm mostly just trying to piece together what the Jewish religious elite believes and what their plans are.

As far as aliens go, ever since I saw the Canadian former minister of defense Paul Hellyer say that aliens can read your mind and they want you to support the fight against global warming, my take has been that there's a new state religion being formed, and aliens will function as the enforcers of divine will, i.e. angels and demons. Glowies will kidnap and murder people, and the media will then claim that aliens abducted them because they had evil thoughts.

>that was testing how religious systems works on human's mind

That's actually an interesting take on it. Religion seems like the psyop-equivalent of nuclear weapons. It's like the aliens bio-engineered a group of people to be physically weak and ugly and generally have little going for itself other than absolute mastery of psychological subversion through religion, and wanted to see if that is enough for thise people to be able to take over the world.

>"God" of the Bible isn't all-knowing and omnipresent like many of his modern followers want him to be

yeah, that was the first thing I immediately found weird when I read the book of Genesis for the first time all those years ago.

Moreso than the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh had a lot of places that made me think of aliens claiming to be gods:


You are a retard to think that orthodox "symbolism" was establishe by "the first pope" (catholicism was created in 11th ceantry, before that there was no "pope") and clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Rabbinical Judaism came 5 ceantries after christianity and has preverted the teaching of christ and the israelites, who are aryans and have almsot nothing to do with the modern jews.

I'm fine being in my "depraved and rotten" religion. How's the Caliphate of Germany doing?


I didn't quit understand you?
I'm saying is that salvation is a process and that process can be hindered and destroyed.
I'm not better then you. We are all spiritualy ill and the church, that was set up by Christ, is the hospital.




>You are a retard to think that orthodox "symbolism" was establishe by "the first pope"
So you deny the massive influence Peter had on the early Church?
>catholicism was created in 11th ceantry, before that there was no "pope"
Western Christians actually started referring to the Bishop of Rome as the Pope and to Peter as the first among them long before the schism. But that's irrelevant to the actual point.
The leadership of Peter forms the basis of the Apostolic succession and the institutional power of orthodoxy, he is the source of legitimacy for both branches of the Church:

>Rabbinical Judaism came 5 ceantries after christianity and has preverted the teaching of christ and the israelites, who are aryans and have almsot nothing to do with the modern jews.

Absolutely delusional nonsense to help you cope with the fact that you worship a foreign god who disdains you.
You can't even read "your" holy books because they are written in Hebrew, a language that isn't even Indo-European.

>How's the Caliphate of Germany doing?

Maybe ask all the Bulgarian women who stand on our sidewalks to prostitute themselves, since that is preferable to living in Bulgaria?

Most of the Muslims who came to Germany, Sweden and Britain in the last ten years are only here because Orthodox Christian Greece and Orthodox Christian Bulgaria are letting them into Europe in the first place.


Atheist board


christianity is marxism, it is global homo, it opens the doors to all the third world shit skins to come into your country. jesus is a jew, studied judaism, went to synagogue and was a rabi. after twenty years of his execution some other rabis took his name and made it into a religion to appeal to goym and control rome. look at all the christian countries, all full of shitskin swamp trolls. follow Odin and he would tell you to slaughter these invading trolls from your land.


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