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 64509[Last 50 Posts]

new 'toss


unnatural overjoyed illuminate number load




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dont judge me


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I transheart kike death


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>everyone is le good


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Go back leftoid


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Even doe im a red-blooded GODmerican that hates commies


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I present to you, perfection.


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literally the best answer
If you picked anything else you're either a l*ftoid or a misguided retard


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>"Any nation that accepted conditions like that would really cease to count as an independent nation"
>The First Lord of the Admiralty and future Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, wrote, "Europe is trembling on the verge of a general war. The Austrian ultimatum to Serbia being the most insolent document of its kind ever devised"
>The Russian Ambassador to Britain warned Prince Lichnowsky: "Only a government that wanted war could possibly write such a note [the Austrian ultimatum]."
>Serbia’s response effectively accepted all terms of the ultimatum but one: it would not accept Austria-Hungary’s participation in any internal inquiry, stating that this would be a violation of the Constitution and of the law of criminal procedure. This response did much to appeal Pasic and his country to international observers of the conflict; to Vienna, however, it made little difference. Gieslingen, bags packed and car waiting to drive him to the railroad station, broke the Dual Monarchy’s diplomatic relations with Serbia and left to catch his train. Three days later, on July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, beginning the First World War.


>all the democrats (conFEDeracy supporters)exposing themselves


trvthnvke: Franz Ferdinand deserved to die but Serbia deserved to be invaded for it's participation in it


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did mine


Kys leftoid


leftoid even doe i marked all my answers with dead nigger babies


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Chudcels are obsessed


Even doe literally everyone hates niggers




even doe tsarist russia isnt leftist at all


you say this while so much white 'mutts are being consensually fucked by them at real time


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Really nigga


Even doe you didn't choose Franco, Hitler & PVTLER


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because hitler is a selfish little pisscell and so is pootler


I'm trans btw


Anarchist Spaniards would rape nuns and burn down churches so fuck them Franko was keyed


I'm cis btw


if being humanitarian = leftist then im leftist as shit, this is why nobody in the modern world accepts your ideologies


But fuck Hitler yeah he ACK!ed himself anyway


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>because hitler is a selfish little pisscell and so is pootler


Literally the only keyed thing they ever did


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because hitler is a selfish little pisscell and so is pootler


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>if being humanitarian = leftist then im leftist as shit, this is why nobody in the modern world accepts your ideologies


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if being humanitarian = leftist then im leftist as shit, this is why nobody in the modern world accepts your ideologies


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>I don't like hitler because his voice sounds funny.


Killing peaceful civilians? How is that keyed? That's barbaric and subhuman literal nigger behaviour so screw them


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Let's just rape people instead


if thats the case then every european are subhuman niggers due to the scramble for africa campaign


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i have calculated your ethnicity based off your answer: you are american nigger


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>But fuck Hitler yeah he ACK!ed himself anyway


>xhes correct


The arpening


I love rape


Fucking go back niggerkike faggot


Let's set aside our differences and go on a raping spree


you support the zimbabwers and the yankees so that makes you brown
eastern niggers support russia so that makes you a western one


A small price to pay for cleansing Evropa of (((religion)))


go back where? between your mom's legs? i already finished so i dont wanna. lmao


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>go back where? between your mom's legs? i already finished so i dont wanna. lmao


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>because hitler is a selfish little pisscell and so is pootler



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>if being humanitarian = leftist then im leftist as shit, this is why nobody in the modern world accepts your ideologies


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nice projection


even doe im not blue


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C'mon man let's just make rape legal ag


Not every European nation but yeah it was barbarity caused by a delusion of superiory


But the rape man



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>nice projection


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nice cope


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Cmooooon let's make America rapists again


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>nice cope



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>even doe im not blue


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why would i need to self-insert as a aryan man if i was a tranny?


Goofy bruh


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Fail quote


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>nill jiggers


>he supports Hitler, Franco, Tsarist RuSSia and GODestine, but not PVTLER


All me btw, Slava Trans rights!


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Kys brownoid


slava george floyd


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Why do you not support Tsarist RuSSia




Supporting Israel isn't humanitarian




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Kys leftoid


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Israel is ruining America, do you want to be golem?


Coal leftoid


> I am le based American even doe I support Israel who is ruining my country


Israel is humanitarian compared to arabs who would have just made another dictatorial third world muslim shithole if they had Israels land. Palestine was only created to fight Israel and before that it was just British territory that was taken from ottoman empire. Do you consider ottomans humanitarian?


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Palestine (wilayah Filastin) was made as a province in the muslim caliphate, and after the muslim caliphate fell the Ottoman empire took over and kept the province with the same name and same borders
Palestine existed for thousands of years


Palestinians literally lived in Palestine before it was taken. Also, Israel literally abused human rights the most. Israeli forces have shot and killed Palestinain children, separated them from their families and evacuated them from their homes. They are actually barbaric.


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Another retard who doesn't support tsarist RuSSia
He sees the RuSSian flag and thinks "RuSSia bad because ukraine good!"


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>You can't think unalike me because you just can't, okee dokee?


Most based choices so far


tsarist russia was a third world shithole
russia only became a somewhat livable country after ww2


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>supports communist china but not RuSSia
>supports communist vietnam
>supports pakistan
>does not support Franco
>does not support Tsarist RuSSia
Cringiest one in the thread actually


Imagine struggling to pick a side when you are faced on one side with literal communists that created a communist superpower that terrorized the world, fought against Hitler and ruined Eastern Europe
Yep, you're retarded


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>some ancient shit the past

grow up


it's fun to talk about it doe



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Forgot tge "fuck jews" text




Nobody cares



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Kys brazillian monkey


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support America during the Cold War
support Russia after the Cold War


> Pakistan
> Palestine

Should've supported Tsariat Russia doe and what you said.


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>> Pakistan
>> Palestine

>Should've supported Tsariat Russia doe and what you said.


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new moab


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>no flag
You're browner than a Pakistani


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I dont know or care enough about Korea to know or care who was in the right.
Same with Indo-Pakistani wars.
European colonialism in general is good.
Taiwan are the biggest kowtowing cucks I've ever seen. Complete reddit country that only exists because the US hates China.


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fuck imperialism


gem but supporting irish coal albeit


no support to british coal


>fuck imperial-ACK


anglo gem W


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only truly based one here


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*the dumbest nigger here


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No one cares what I think but I find these fun to do :)


slav zigger stop dodging the draft the real slavgods need you


you contradict yourself on so many levels poojeet


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If you disagree with me, lurk moar.


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your a zigger slav dodging the draft while slavGODs are serving actively for chad putin
also no id rather side with indians who can actually fight and provide for empire instead of mudslimes who cant do neither


Franco was a niggerlover, nigga


If you're rootin' 4 pootin so much why don't you join the russian army and get dedovschina'd in the poopyhole?


im broke and theres no way to go to russia now


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