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What exactly makes Whites superior all other races?



define race
and define superior
bc last time i checked were a species going extinct


Use you're own definition of "White" I'd like to see what you guys have to say
Also by "superior" I just mean better in general


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>Use you're own definition of "White"

on the left is a bulgar.
on the right is a german.
both are proud european nations.
both are in the crosshairs of globalhomo.

and to add to the confusion, the second picrel, that of a woman comes from friggin iran.
and she is visibly "whiter" in skin tone than the bulgar, despite having almost nothing to do historically with us

"white race" exists as much as the "black race" or the "asian race".
which means it doesnt. its waaay more granular than that.
and doesnt work in practice.

niggers hate eachother, and hate arabs, who also hate eachother
chinks hate japs for instance
and they all are separate phenos.
heck, even japs have 2 distinct phenos

as for the euros,
some of us arrived 5000-8000 years ago.
some arrived 2500 years ago
and iirc hungaryans arrived after the birth of christ. from the eurasian steppes. they are a turkic tribe originally. so are bulgars.

and when we throw americans into the mix, oh boy.
genetically you dont have a pheno (duh), and most of you arrived in the past 150 years so you dont even have common history proper.

instead of white i like to stick to the concept of europeanism.
considering historical brotherhood instead of genetic ties actually makes sense.
cuz if we to stick with genetics, were actually all very different peoples


as for the "better" part
like i wrote, we are going extinct.
our genes depleted in the last two world wars, and with the disappearance through non-breeding
while retards and other dysgenic trash ofc breeds like rabbits

we are no longer the same nations we were 150 years ago.
even genetically.
same with morality and culture.

so yeah, idk about you
but so far its a defeat all across the line
i thought we were going somewhere before 2016
but our collective efforts ended in a catastrophic erectile dysfunction.


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"Race" is a post-industrial revolution invention of convenience. It refers to the populations of people you can bring under a nation with powered ships and aircraft and industrial agriculture, which is going to be a mixed bag of regional ethnicities.
Older peoples would have referred to their own regional ethnicity, and aristocrats and nobles to specific bloodlines. A "race" is a mixed bastardization of these, and is merely the best you can hope for in a world this far gone to globohomo.
This is another case where the libtards are more correct than the "based" people when they say race is a social construct; it is, but not the way they think it is. Most people can't even really place their ethnicity anymore without some kind of fancy blood tests, whereas this would be absolutely unheard of only a few hundred years ago.


I'm a mega-racist and the idea that whites are "superior" is a misunderstanding. Different clades of homo sapiens are adapted over thousands of generations to different local conditions and environments and social orders. "Whites" (broadly speaking) are optimized for a certain kind of civilization in a certain kind of place. Bantus for another. Subcontinental asians, Australian aborigines, steppe peoples, bedouins, etc are highly specialized for their own niches as well.
You cannot take a Sentinelese man, transplant him into Luxembourg, and expect him to become Luxembourgish after a couple years of cultural education or whatnot. That's absurd, and this is neither an insult to the Sentinelese or the Luxembourgish. They are simply optimized for different conditions, and that diversity should be preserved—
within their own respective natural habitats.


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>"white race" exists as much as the "black race" or the "asian race".
You are retarded. Genetic variation across humans can be divided into races. Skin tone is a very small phenotypic part of what race is.


im really not sure about equating "race" and "nation"
being a polish expat ill take poland as example:

so, in poland we have several ethnical groups.
the most proeminent are
-balts (kashebe)
-post germanics (in the region of prussia[+- warmia and mazury])
-wielkopolanie (<"from wielkopolska", meaning "great poland". they are the majority of poles? could say exactly but id put them at 75% of polish pop.)
-montagnards (górale. they swore allgeiance to the polish king around 1200 iirc.)

all of them are firecely loyal to poland tho (historically. communizm, then now liberalism has done a number on our national unity).
that could be achieved because poles were loyal to the crown, then to the country- the nation. all that despite the montagnards and the balts keeping their language and culture until today.
and even more interestingly, despite our ethnicities being separated for hundreds of years when we were under occupation (~1750 - 1918)

i think nationalism at its core is what happens when you're finished with your "unification wars" (or alliance, thence the quotes)
after that it varies between nations, what they actually do with it.
in the case of poland, or germany i think nationalism was a powerful constructive force.
and i cant think of an example where nationalism gone "wrong" couldnt be brushed off as not being nationalism to begin with because the dynamic is opressor/opressed, implying a part of the population is not part of the nation.

races, however, seem to be a tool in the globalists' toolbelt to create a global fromnt for an apocalyptic racewar where its everyone vs depleted (ab-)europeans.

everything originates in the ideological space bc you just cannot express an idea if it has no form/definition.
the idea being here racewar, and the kikes pick up whats left of our civilisations with nothing but slave nations.
they cannot make countries fall one by one bc people talk, videos circulate.
everyone in the east knows what multikulti is about thanks to the fact that they focused on the key european economies:
france, germany, england. honorary test sites: scandinavia, holland

they cannot start a racewar against all europeans if they cant shove everyone into one bag.
what would simply things even further would be a status quo as in america, where the federal government is ideologically justified to apply anti white apartheid.

and without justification, applied anti-white apartheid is a wake up call for all the nations that arent yet fully zogged.

also i noticed the incessant attempts at americanizing the polish language and culture.
i think its all part of the strat.

all this is why i think the concept of "races" is a psyop.
actually creating a concept of "white race" and adding to it a genetic meaning would make things alot easier for the zog to destroy our respective nations, by virtue of providing the ideological pretext for a "white guilt" shared among all europeans


its all a matter of perspective.
if you zoom out you will see humans as a whole are nothing like dolphins.

and if you zoom in, you will see that europe is divided into several haplogroups

the cutoff is arbitrary and would make sense if there was a practical reason for it.
there might be one in america.*
but not in europe.

*- vaguely there is one.
you created the nigger minority in your country by yourselves.
you should have had them castrated like the arabs did.


>only 27.6% sardinian
says a lot about the accuracy of these jewish meme tests


they're good at stealing civilizations


you niggers buried your daughters between rome and islam and married between cousins (you still do)
and jewrope is a continuation of greek culture with local admixtures

what the fuck are you on about?


>the cutoff is arbitrary and would make sense if there was a practical reason for it.
There is a practical reason for it, loke predicting generic diseases, height, body type, IQ, crime rates, etc.




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Uh oh... I guess islam isn't the only system that allows cousin marriage huh...


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You praise a pedophile who married a 9 year old and you fuck goats


IQ stats, better constructions, literally every other continent knows of our glory through language, culture and empire.


wait until you find out how old the virgin mary was


just because it's legal it doesnt mean that it does happen lmao


yeah nah
poles are nothing like westerners. we just arent.

so either whites are a sufficiently homogenous genetic group to all share the same fundamental traits, which makes the difference between them a product of environment

or they arent and theres enough genetic variation within whites to impact character, behaviour, and even physical traits.

the actual answer is: actually both influence the outcome of an individual.
and we dont have the data needed to decide which one bears more of an influence

and fucking hilariously one of the rare places couzin breeding is forbidden is in cali and jew york
that country proves nothing. it is built on the explicit rejection of many european values.


>Iq stats
Asians have higher IQs on average doe
>better constructions
Do you mean architecture? I do like the old Western styles of architecture better than every other foreign kind, but maybe that's because I'm biased
>other continent knows of our glory through language, culture and empire
All that really proves is that they've had a huge influence on the world, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're better


lol actually wtf?
i completely misread the graph


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Nothing, God made us all equal and perfect.


Cringey 'cord meme doebeit


You mean the various europoid races? no because there is no "white race", but it is divided into several races (Nordic, Alpine, Dinaric, Mediterranean, Uralic, etc...)


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Wrong guy, maple-nigga


dont give the canadian nigger attention
he's a self proclaimed shitskin
just laugh at his poop colored complexion and move on with your life if you must


idk what makes the US superior to every other country my fried chicken basketball ameribrother?


It depends on what you mean by "superior"


no wonder America is shit and evil
countries can't function without a core culture and people




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if it was wrong, all his enemies during his time would have called him out,and guess what, they didnt.also women used to be pretty grown for their age at the time. if she bleeds, she is able to marry.
>you fuck goats
idk where this legend first started to spread,but it spread like wildfire .probably some shia nigger in iran.


The white race is defined by Indo-European (Aryan) genetic stock. Nordics are the whitest because they have the purest genetics (70%+ Aryan ancestry), Followed closely by Germans, Celts and Slavs, and more distantly still by Meds and Inranic goups (Kurds, Persians & Pashtuns). Its a sliding scale because no one is of purely white ancestry, just more or less white. Hence why the girl pictured in >>61983 looks white. But whiteness isn't the end all be all, I'd rather associate with Mongoloids than pozzed Swedes or Californians.


da joows



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