>>64682>>64680The funny thing is I hang out in a lot of degenerate spaces with trans girls and rarely see blacked shit come up. It’s usually s&m, bimboification, loli and furry shit
>>64685Same what discord are you in?
>>64680>>64684>>64682Alright this is just out of hand. As a chud I'm feeling belittled and disrespected. I guess I'll have to admit that the trannies have won this round. Blast!
>>64686Matrix and fedi mostly
The new tranny janny banned me for TND, while "ironic" tranny threads are allowed.
Kill all jannies and kill all niggers.
>>64690Go cry to Janny pussy, take the pink pill
>>64691drink bleach Tranny freak
>>64690This isn't your safe space chudcel pissbaby
>>64691Commit suicide, nigger tranny. White men are preparing for war, accumulating firearms, meanwhile, trannies are roping themselves, and niggers are shooting each other ever day.
>>64693/soy/ will always be a TND board. I'll be back to spam dead niggers in a few hours.
>>64692>>64695>>64698MODS ban these failedmales
>>64697Death to all trannies. Imagine pulling their teeth out with a pair of pliers. Imagine breaking their fingers. Imagine getting a dull knife and slowly taking pieces of their skin off. Imagine throwing salt on the exposed bloody tissue. Imagine burning their dick off just with a zippo lighter. Imagine keeping them alive for as long as possible. Imagine breaking their shin bones with a ctheirel and a mallet. Imagine pouring acid in their eyes. Imagine cutting their nose off. Imagine smashing a glass bottle on their face. Imagine slowly pulling their arms off with a rope. Imagine hammering nails into their ears. Imaging just letting them slowly die, every now and then coming and giving them a kick to hear them scream.
Nigger poo
OP is such a cute little egg waiting to come out of her shell. You are almost there.
>>64706Well first of all I'm white and not red. Second of all cute trans girls really don't exist on account of them being ugly however
>>64680The only egg waiting to get cracked here is the one that initiates total nigger/troon death as far as I'm concerned. Y'all faggots may be irony poisoned enough to regularly frequent a board that hates you but the rest of UNIRONICALLY want you to neck and die painful deaths. It's not a joke for me and many other 'eens. Go die a lil bit you disgusting faggots.
>>64713>love handles>man jaw>male bone structurelolololol
>>64713shoulder to hip ratio never lies
>>65670suicidal pedotrannie brimdust