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File: 1691090369761.jpg (147.43 KB, 770x800, the US is going to start a….jpg)ImgOps


Lol the USA is about to get sacrificed in another great culling war, it's so obvious and somehow nobody sees it


People who willingly sign up to serve satan about to die? Excellent.


imagine dying for israel


Imagine this group fighting in a war in which they can't just take pot shots at goatherds armed with rusted cold war garbage via remote control


cope butthurt eurofag


File: 1691268214797.png (346.75 KB, 848x452, 1690718852347721.png)ImgOps

We will be the ones doing the culling, retard.


Why do most of them look underage?


Haha lol get into the fucking meatgrinder retard. The elites have no use for us anymore


Russia is dogwater doe

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