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 60224[View All]

>Yeah, don't listen to those LOONY BLUE-HAIRED JOOISH DISCORD TROONS who rightfully believe that all white women are destined to become snowbunnies and all ytbois toilet slaves to the BNWO! You're stronger than you think! Never mind how ytbois have the weakest genetics and the tiniest peckers out of any race on average and will never appease any white women thus rendering all ytbois genetic dead-ends to the superior BBC! We're all in this together, FELLOW SOYJACK BROS!
93 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Leftists and black leftists and black nationalists in charge of a black district for decades, but they magically do all this stuff that they would never do because I need to cope with the fact that niggers are inherently criminalistic... also district attorneys order the police to control riots or something...yeah...I'm high IQ and always correct because I watch Vaush.


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>Okay, so maybe the Blacks didn't bring it onto themselves as I said earlier, but those oh-so-leftist district attorneys who use "law and order" dog-whistles to gut the life out of urban neighborhoods sure did! Yep, they're so leftist with the way that they praise the virtues of states rights and listing racist tropes to appeal to white voters terrified of imaginary boogeymen of unarmed Black men and peaceful protestors, they are so far to the left it's not even funny! Radical leftist district attorneys, just like renowned radical leftist Kamala Harris who made her career off of clamping down on marginalized communities to appease the neoliberal white hegemony! Such a far-leftist!


>cops LE BAD
I hope some nigger smashes your head in and steals all your shit


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cops are le bad doe, they're the enforcement arm of anarcho tyranny and are the only force preventing us from going outside and killing trannies, niggers, and communists


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>Leftist black politicians that have been ruling for decades are in favor of "law and order dog-whistles" and it's somehow white chuds' fault or however the dilator is lubricated.


Trve I just hate it when trannies say acab then whine when crime comes to xeir gated community




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Never forget the chud spammer is a pedophile


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>You liberals claiming that the white hegemony exists and is oppressing Black communities – just look at these cherry-picked examples of token minorities heeding the command of the neoliberal order! Heck, we even had a neoliberal Black president for eight years who did nothing but drone-strike children in the Middle East and set the stage for a Trump victory which allowed the Republicans to remove their thin veil of "country club racism" to become full-blown far-right neo-Nazis! I bet you feel pretty stupid now, huh, knowing that there are Black district attorneys upholding the neoliberal hegemony. Again, I have no clue what "controlled opposition" is since I take everything at face value. That damn commie Joe Biden is illegally occupying the White House! I know that because Fox News said so.


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I honestly wish we lived in the world you think we live in


>reat aga
Sounds like an ancient city or an old historical figure kek


It sounds like if ‘50s America was more racist kek


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>Black and leftist districts in blue states that vote for socialist independent or SocDem party officials that put policies in place for lighter prison sentences, more gibs, more tolerance for homeless camps, and free drug needles are actually working for the nazi white chuds in a different state, because...my neovagina hurts or something.


> did nothing but drone-strike children in the Middle East
obamacare doe


Obama’s a white supremacist doe CHUD


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>Dammit, that commie cuck is making the real world sound even cooler than it is! Just think of how cool it would be if far-right politicians weaponized the Supreme Court to overturn basic human rights and promote the façade of "states rights" at once – that would be so epic and redpilled! And just think of how cool it would be if peaceful protesters had their skulls cracked in for marching peacefully and nonviolently against police brutality by power-hungry police officers looking for excuses to kill unarmed Black men without losing their badges – that would be so KINO and EPIC! And imagine if billionaires like say, Elon Musk for example, used their money to promote transphobic disinformation on major social media platforms and lift previous site rules on false information in the name of benefitting the right-wing and Rupert Murdoch – that would be SO FRICKIN' COOL! Too bad that's all a fantasy that will never happen in real life, which as we all know by now, is controlled by DA JOOOOOOZZZ!!! But it'd be awesome if that were a reality.


>eat ag


>eat ag


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>Socialists-in-name-only controlling cities run by Democrats in name only! Oh, I bet you feel pretty stupid for that one, liberal loser? Those far-left party officials who wholeheartedly support trickle-down economics and unprecedented labor deregulations are practically Karl Marx reincarnate. And those Democrats who oppose labor unions and work with neoliberal businesses to crack down on and sometimes even crack the skulls of peaceful protestors marching for basic human rights? Uh, that's literally far-left Stalinism right there! And those far-left mayors kicking homeless folks off the streets and throwing them in jail to appease the prison-industrial complex on overhyped drug charges – that's literally anarcho-tyranny with how they let drug junkies off so easily! Yep, those socialists-in-name-only working to advance the neoliberal agenda of white hegemony are bona fide communists! One-hundred percent far-left agitators working to destroy our country and not in any way controlled opposition to advance the interests of the plutocrats in power, not a chance in hell!


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>Supreme Court is le weaponized by the far-right even doe they legalized gay marriage without any public referendum, and they allow mass nonwhite immigration and they haven't overturned the 2nd amendment so leftoids can keep saying as much anti-white bullshit as they want. Also police cracked skulls of protestors, even doe the leftist mayors ordered the police to stand by while niggers burned-down leftist city districts for months in 2020. Also Trump himself made an Executive Order to legalize stealing items worth less than 950$ at time in San Francisco...yeah.


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yeah that would be pretty cool if it happened you're right


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>They're socialists in name only because...they just are okay?!! The left isn't failing because my ideology is retarded and self-destructive, it's because everybody who gets a seat in a city government in a blue state is secretly working for da white choodz. White choodz are secretly controlling black socialists who allocate tax money to pride parades.


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>There's no way that genuine far-left action is subverted by neoliberal megacorps terrified of facing accountability for their human rights violations and discouraged by CIA-funded far-right terrorist groups like the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers, no way! It's because the far-left is self-destructive and doomed to failure! Nope, attempts at leftist change have NEVER been subverted by the federal government in order to sabotage true change from happening, not once! Eugene "I voted for the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and became a Reaganite later in life" McCarthy? Far-left lunatic without a single practical bone in his body! And the CIA CERTAINLY hasn't overthrown any leftist democracies in South America (but if they did it would be super-redpilled and sigma like Patrick Bateman and even Patrick "Big Chud" Crusius himself). Yep, all far-left actions are genuine and supported by far-right neoliberal corporations because... BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE, ALRIGHT?
>And those pride parades – oh, those empty and halfhearted measures white neoliberals only shallowly support to look more "accepting" to their fellow white neoliberal racists – they're all far-left recruitment tours that aren't designed to make conservative straight people more homophobic, not at all! It's those far-left city council members who support more funding for police that are using pride parades to demoralize the Hyperborean Aryan ytbois with the highest suicide rates out of any other demographic
>And city funding for police that should be used to fund Black neighborhoods stricken by poverty? Don't be silly! That money goes right into the hands of impoverished neighborhoods through far-left city decisions, which explains why urban neighborhoods look in tip-top shape today. Not because of deliberate underfunding by white racist power structures, but because of over-funding by far-left boogeymen!
>Does it feel good to be a middle-of-the-line centrist with rational opinions based in neoliberal moderate thought.


youre both retards


Holy shit, megacorps and nazis dominate local elections in San Francisco and Detroit suburbs?!

Holy fuck there really is no hope for us leftsisters, we should just ack ourselves.


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>Can't you see that both of you are equally as stupid? I mean, come on, fighting for basic human rights for the downtrodden communities of color? That makes you no different than a literal Klansmen empowered and in some cases recruited by local police forces to shoot unarmed Black men for fun! Gah, the far-left and the far-right are both equally as stupid, and I'm way smarter than both of them as an enlightened centrist!


Holy shit the cops in Detroit hired KKK death squads to shoot 1,488 niggers in the head..how can we possibly resist this leftysisters? I'm sorry but gonna switch sides to team BLEACHED. I'm a real woman and real women are attracted to power and success.


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come on just look at detroit's police chief, CLEARLY an agent for white hegemony


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>Again, if there's such thing as a white hegemonic power structure, then how come there's a Black chief of police in an impoverished Black city? Surely this must be proof that the white hegemony doesn't exist and not proof that the white hegemony is racially chameleonic in nature, sometimes using token minorities to further the illusion that true racial justice has been achieved in this country because a Black man is commanding police officers to crack the skulls of peaceful protestors instead of a white man! I am so smart!


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pretty fucked up of you to reduce any black person that achieves a position of power to a "token", yikes


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Nazi Aryan MOD GODS dominate lefty nigger sissy baitposters.


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>Moved to >>>/pol/60224


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>Thank you mods for removing any and all thoughtful political discussion from my famously APOLITICAL FUNNY CARTOON BALD MEN BOARD with roots in APOLITICAL FUNNY CARTOON BALD MEN and nothing else! Nope, no white power fantasies of exterminating trans women and DEFINITELY no ramblings about white supremacy hidden behind a Soyjak, not at all! It's all apolitical, and I'm glad the mods did their job by removing political discussion from an inherently political board. Mods are gods this time around!
>Now, back to "Tranny Hate Thread 33775843828" after I finish gemming up "Black Gore Thread 27447382828" with LiveLeak footage to scare away those darned JOOISH DISCORD TRANNIES!


you don't know who you're talking to. im a black nationalist who wants a black ethnostate imperium in the southeast, and both of you will be threats in the future especially you, being a leftoid cosmpolitan snake faggot. but our goal will be finished and we'll be victorious.


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>Thoughtful political discussion even though I just spammed a bunch of cope with no sources and implied that nigger leftist politicians that governed leftist districts for decades were actually working for white chuds, or however the penis is surgically-mutilated.


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'mutts are so coaly
holy shit


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>Speaking the unspoken over how the white hegemony will do anything possible to uphold itself, include controlling the opposition from the top-down via city councils to prevent actual leftist change from occurring? Surely this must be the work of some dastardly JOOOISH DISCORD TRANNY and not the natural conclusion of decades of "law and order" dog-whistling and the War on Drugs! Not at all!


>decades of "law and order" dog-whistling

Name 10 Democrat cities that did this.


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>Decades of "law and order" dog-whistling? In cities ran by Democrats in name only like Montgomery, Miami, Minneapolis, Dallas, Buffalo, and even Little Rock? Preposterous! And don't even get me started on El Paso, Aurora, and Phoenix! And New York City, home of the stop-and-frisk technique which has been used to justify the incarcerations of hundreds if not thousands of marginalized persons? Give me a break!




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I don't look like you.


the 'sharty is right wing doe


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xerm… you're indian? 😂😂😂


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i jerked it to this gif

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