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>Charlie hebdo
>2015 bombings
>Syrian stabbing kids
>terror attacks i cant be assed to name
>that teacher that was beheaded
<isolated incidents da wholesome neegerr is gud
<no riots
>one immigrant shot dead
>retirement age made a few years longer
and before you say immigrants are the ones rioting, that may be true but many french people are still taking part in it and even more French people are letting it happen.
what a fucking joke


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Give me a machine gun and one million dollars worth of bullets and I will end the riot in just three days


You think the native French have been negrofied?


>all arabs did this
>make this about le niggerz
you guys are a joke


tomato tomato




Algerians are descended from the arab version of buck breaking, they are niggers.


frenchies raging like autists burning the country down after a slight inconvenience is enough to tell everyone about the intelligence and maturity of the average french person


i hate my country and im disappointed in its leadership
hopefully marine le pen will win next time

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