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When did the Jewish Kabbal to genocide their rivals and rule over a shitskin slave horde begin/form? It seems to me they really did not even have much time you're telling me they mixed with high tier europeans even though they're diaspora shitskins and then due to being isolated selected for IQ on accident and THEN also formulated world domination?

seems like such a short time frame?


All of the shit that we have now started around the end of the 18th century with the French and American (((revolutions)))


With these two events the two main institutions that prevented the spread of Jewish control and degeneracy, mainly the Church and various monarchies, started to wither and die. With the onset of industrialization, these previously mentioned institutions couldn't prevent (((them))) from using naive people to amass massive wealth, both through banks (which also around this time become much more prominent than before), but also simply though monopolies which till exist in one form or another. The ideas such as, but not limited to nationalism, liberalism, democracy which started to spread around the same time also allowed (((them))) to push for wars to further enrich themselves.

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