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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1691873058866.jpeg (349.06 KB, 733x600, makeitmeme_oPvIu.jpeg)ImgOps


new stonetoss political cartoon


poltroons cant even remain in peace in their own board anymore 😭


File: 1691874025810.gif (1.93 MB, 500x400, wholesome soyjak dispensin….gif)ImgOps



File: 1691874254150.png (113.74 KB, 662x692, cobby blush.png)ImgOps

nyaaaa all whitebois should submit to the Black man and his superior BBC~~


gemerald in an otherwise dusty channel


brazillian mixed race individual here yall trannies should kill yourselves


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File: 1691885098322-1.jpeg (409.68 KB, 604x600, makeitmeme_05mVi.jpeg)ImgOps


>American flag
Ever single fucking time


im trans btw


File: 1691990242953.jpg (64.78 KB, 687x688, 095463279141.jpg)ImgOps

>nyaaaa all whitebois should submit to the Black man and his superior BBC~~


she's right


Who stole my "makeitmeme* meme


Lame shill faggot do better next time

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