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/pol/ - Politics

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Why do tranime 4cuck posters all think the nazis didn't kill the jews and it was unintentional?
They knew far ahead of time Poland would be invaded by the Soviets and lose all supplies. Yet all of the death camps are there
If you're upset about a /pol/ related question even doe it mocks current 4cuck /pol/troons move the thread instead of deleting it


I would rather do anything else than read pol in 2023. The average IQ of that board is doubled digits at most


You know. I do not understand why no one talks about other victims of Holocaust.


Woah the camps for Polish prisoners were in Poland? That's crazy


Well maybe watch the video you uploaded and check the sources. The thing is the information proving it's falseness is out there, it's BEEN out there, but people for some reason really want the holocaust to be true. Just admit you've been had, or stay a goy slave.


Theh are cucks, as simple as that


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All of this is literally just copied from the killer bean dancing video but overlayed over k-on instead i hate tranime watchers so much

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