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/pol/ - Politics

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high caliber bombs only allowed itt




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No arrow


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yup issa trvke


Common p#blm trvthmissile



Erm tl;dr


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you’re the same


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meds now


>Western occultism
>Hindu is the true religion
Pick one


i try and try every day to not be like these people


like muslims trannies pocs joos fags or like poltroons?


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New 'toss


controversial iron



this image is coal because hating israel isn't chuddy anymore every normie hates israel



Israel won


Israel uses white phosphorus on civilians though


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I skimmed through
>israel not a ashkenazi supremacist state even doe they sterilize niggers



every time israel are on eurovision you get shitlibs saying we should boycott them all across europe it's unironically chuddier at this point to be a zionist


jews have been using sandniggers to gain pity for decades
first they get everyone to pity the sandnigs then some bullshit happens like the sandnigs controlled (by the jews) will go and fuck up lebanon or something
then everyone flipflops and pities the jews cus the sandnigs were evil all along
its so fucking tiresome seeing it repeat like every 5 or so years
the way they can recycle the same tactic is amazing


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kill trannies


so i guess whites and blacks can finally agree that total jewish death is needed


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absolutely semite propaganda


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total and utter semite propaganda


even though this is a leftist lie that was a debunked

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