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 63323[Last 50 Posts]

Just making this thread in case shit goes down




a country named niger lmao




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He will redeem Burkina Faso.


They ll get bombed into submission idk


ECOWAS has given Niger one week to realise the president od niger if ECOWAS is deployed Nigerian soldiers will enter niger


kill niggers


live black people


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War between niggers? I like it. I hope for the TND (Total nigerian death) as they are the most invasive ones.


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Yep pair this massive war with the grain crisis and boom TND

Also updates on the Africa situation Nigeria has cut all power it supplies to niger and seems to be preparing to advance across the border, did anyone have African ww1 on the bingo list for 2023


Ecowas is holding a meeting they state intervention is on the table but the last option they are hoping to meet with the niger coup leaders
Niger is requesting Wagner forces to be deployed immediately


Niger is based


Us has pulled all its staff out of its embassies in Africa
Nothing from Ukraine at the moment


It’s starting to get ugly


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EU leadership will use this opportunity to flood Europe with Nigger refugees from the ensuing war.

Christards will applaud it because
<finally we get an infusion of good Christians to balance out all the Muslim refugees we took in!


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i love niger


Turkish culture is centered around Niger


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unironically true as we are black bvlls


Sweety. Niger is a muslim majority nation





More country’s are joining the anti Niger collation so far Ivory Coast Nigeria and France


War in Africa means more refugees to SHITstern SHITrope. It's game over either way, browntaliano.


>grain """crisis"""
Africa doesn't need euro grain. The vast majority of Ukrainian grain goes to Western european countries to feed livestock.


No it doesn’t, Poland Hungary export a majority of grain to the eu which is why they stopped Ukrainian exports
Africa is having mass famine and a massive living crisis this could genuinely be a mass casualty event


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Keep coping. Africa will continue It's march forward no matter how many times you repeat your prayer of two more weeks. Africa will be free and prosperous, no matter if you stupidly believe that things never change. What position was China in 1923? You probably would have thought it would stay that way forever.


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>unironically true as we are black bvlls


Good for them I don’t want any of them to die lol, race bailing on a news thread lol


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I don't think this conflict is going to stay contained to Niger if shtf


Good pick up
Any it seems Nigeria and the Ivory Coast ( both Christian) are prepared to go to intervening in Niger which is backed by burkino faso and mail (which are both muslim)


Does that mean we can stop sending trillions in financial aid and can send the black people back?


No not at all child mortality rates have gone down every where what he posted is just basic stats of very poor countries that have industrialised all that they have shown is that it has taken Africa until the 2000’s to enter early industrialisation


Africa doesn't need nor want your money at all. Especially since all that money is is Europeans paying for their puppet's new yacht or sports car as they suck out all the Uranium and Gold. For example 18% of France's Uranium came from Niger. Africans want neocolonialist European governments out. If you think Euros are sending money out of the goodness of their hearts, you are naive.


I think saying "2 more weeks until TND (total n***er death)" is pretty indicitive that you're a genocidal racist. Why even try to hide it? You're not on Twitter.


I was joking mate come on this is an anymous image board, I’m going to be edgy, but I do not hate black or African people in the slightest one of the few guys that replies to my Eastern Europe thread is a Moroccoan I COULD NEVER HATE THEM


I hope doll buys a jet and nukes africa for total nigger death


Another country has joined the pro western anti Niger side Senegal says it will join the Ivory Coast and Nigeria in apposing niger mali and burknia faso


Why are those idiots on the coast not backing the others?


What are you doing up rn


>For example 18% of France's Uranium came from Niger
France is mostly arabs and black people now idk maybe some rich Jews benefit but not your average whitey stuck living next to Nafri drug dealers


maybe they dont wanna be bombed. however that nigeria leader is a lapdog so excited to get goodie points from his master macron, I hate non muzzie niggers


Benin has joined the pro ecowas forces
So far it looks like this

Ivory Coast


Burknia faso

Flash orders were given out to Nigerian army today for assaults on Niger and the president of Niger has asked for forge in countries to intervene, the total population of all these countries combined is 340 if this escalates I would not think it is a stupid statement to call this the Great west African war


340 million


doesn't nigeria have like, a stupidly large population


Yep 200 million plus


But a large portion is Muslim whilst the south is Christian this war may split the country even further


Future neurologists, you hateful bigoted chud!!


nice, west african muslims should make a superstate


a real life BNWO /reich/?


Nigerian Christian’s are black too lol


but islam is BLACKer than christianity, at least it's assumed to be


yeah but they should be under the influence of north africa so they stay in check


that itself is an extension of the middle east




>implying that they can handle them
keeeeeek i have seen all these clips come out of algeria of niggers being shipped off and beaten and rounded up, country is already on the verge of collapse, or at least they are making it seem like it is


Algeria is way to far away to intervene in Niger in reality shara desert, and all logistically it’s not happening


true that


They could funnel weapons to the junta thought its likely that if this west African war starts then we could see as massive Muslim vs Christian battle across Africa it will mirror medeiveal europe, in a strange way it will actually push the Christian African countries closer to the European west whilst the Muslims are pushed more towards the Middle East


I didnt mean linfluence as total control tho, just a sense of unity you know, since theyre so isolated


Da jooz did it to encourage mass migration as usual


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no joke, this is a disaster waiting to happen


Oh yeah and a 200 million population it will be ww2 level in Nigeria, I think it should personally be called the great west African war if this occurs the scale will be massive and borders will be redrawn


The Niger junta has made some sort of contact with Wagner


President of Nigeria is currently requesting the senate of Nigeria to support a full scale military intervention against Niger


Is the outback getting nuked?


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nothing will happen but go on king


No nothing ever happens in Australia


I appreciate the positivity but niger could be a big thing, and I mean us and France are evacuating civilians


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we'll see, keep us up to date


Niger is a nothingburger


I will, I don’t think my ZNPP prediction was correct but I think I’m right this time


yeah i was thinking the same thing.


Tick tock Sunday is tomorrow


Daily reminder that nothing will ever happen


I don't give a shit.


I give a shit


If shit goes down you will probably give a shit due to all the migrants


News: the nigerian senate just announced it's refusal to military intervene in Niger


fuck dude come on
i was expecting something interesting to happen
theres no interesting wars this day and age


well besides ukraine


I read on xitter that senate don't want to intervene yet and intervention is likely to happen if Nigeria and allies won't somehow topple the junta by other means than direct military intervention. I think that it can mean buying some military officers into removing junta from power and restoring the former president.


most likely wont work though since the coup is getting large support from the populace
if they do attempt a counter coup, the niggers would just riot
cant wait for operation serval 2.0 bigger and larger


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Does Niger have oil?
Asking for a friend.


Its bullshit


I agree. Sanctions doesn't really make governments fall.
Oil does NOT have this value today. Plus mutts can produce more own oil today doe.
Niger has uranium doe.


Basically the deadline has been extended. And every anti niger country is preparing for military intervention.
70% on niger's electricity comes from nigeria. Which nigeria cut off today. LMAO.


Erm acthukly they cut it a few days ago 🤓


But very true everyone forgets military operations take a few days to prepare especially in the sahel region making sure their forces are organised and coordinated is probably what they are doing also Wagner in now in Niger, so Ivory Coast Senegal and Nigeria all have to coordinated their forces


Airforce activity reported
France has closed all air space to niger and mail
A delegation from and mali and Niger are meeting in nigers capital to discuss


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yeah, they may look big and tough but the circled areas are basically niger and mali


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another day thanking god i wasn't born a nigger


Italy wants them to extended the deadline France wants them to go in


marge are we really involved in this shit


Only paritally Italy just wants to mediate and avoid war partially to annoy France, by extending the deadline also ecowas can further prep


jannies SHOVLD pin this so people use /pol/ more


keyed Meloni-chan BTFO'ing frog niggers left and right


China was in the gutter in the early 1900s because Europe is just better than everyone else when it comes to war. Before that it was roughly two thousand years of China lapping the west despite/because of getting invaded by mongols.
Subsaharan Africa has had nothing but monkey sex and polio for three million years unironically. They simply lack the ability to create civilization. Even with western countries spending trillions they spend it all on infighting, corruption, golden AKs and the occasional [whatever_bantu_subrace] genocide.
If we could build a wall around the continent they would nigger themselves back into prehistory.


it wont be like gambia tho since the countries have large populace support unlike gambia


A senior United States diplomat has visited Niger to push coup authorities to restore democratic rule after their overthrow


Adding on to this
Ecowas and other members have been forbidden from meeting in niger
I’m guessing it’s either they don’t go to war due to the, bluffing or Nigeria sends it through


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I wonder how they rule vast north and east of the country. Plus the capital is so close to Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Mali


>Europe is just better than everyone else when it comes to wa-ACK!
As some japs bicycle up to the city they wanted to defend at all costs
Blitz through an island chain the length of Europe while only taking 600 casualties
More examples but you get the idea.

You just cling to retarded copes and unsubstantiated feelings because you are a simple creature who saw himself have a couple of centuries of dominance, and didn't bother to look back at all the other people's couple centuries of dominance and see that they ended.


>same japs get instantly obliterated and bullied by europeans for the next 3 years and then surrender themselves to be colonised for 10 years
>europe revolutionizing warfare and being responsible for 80% of technological achievements in warfare

shill harder kike


The top 4 countries in history that have one the most battles are Europeans


Europe has has plenty of dominant era of history Roman inb4 muh tang Spanish Dutch French British 0-500 ad 1400-present


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I remember in 8th grade a black kid saw a world map and pointed to Niger and then screamed nigger until the teacher told him to stop or however the pink slime is cooked


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I made a high effort gem about the situation that I will only share once the invasion starts regardless of the outcome


all those 15 african countries held some summit today, niger is still defiant, they still insist on on continuing with the coup, so yeah.


Looking forward to seeing it


Ecowas has ordered the deployment of troops into niger


Tnd has begun


Unless last minute negotiations take place
Ecowas and other nations Nigeria and Ivory Coast all support intervention and support a immediate attack on the country


why the bloodlust? who even gave a fuck about that president two weeks ago


Yeah I am very surprised at the rethoric change, they now consider Niger former president a hostage that needs immediate intervention to save the country and people guessing they got pressured by France and the us


Niggers vs Niger who’s gonna win. More at 11


Post the full map of morroco you stupid algenigger


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I dont think it's gonna happen bros…
Party is over


I had a feeling it would be last second,seems the western forces have won although we need to make sure they are not just buying time


Osint defender says their is strange us ambassadorrial air craft around niger apparently although this is unconfirmed America and France were going to create a no fly zone over niger and bomb the shit out of them like they did Libya so this may have made them think Twice


Yeah,proxy wars are nothing new, the franks will do their best to keep their hand clean while their vassals do it for them. I bet this whole delaying is intended and part of the whole process to make it seem the intervention was democratic and had been thought about long enough.
>Bonus points if the coupers concede. It'd be a win for "diplomacy"




Yeah I think it may be back on massive Ivory Coast military convoy en route to Nigeria staging ground


Yes they can’t look like colonialists irs bad for local government


>lets name our country nigger


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Remember The Tongo Tongo Ambush?


ackshually derived from the term gher-n-gheren meaning "river of rivers"



new toss


any news on the coup?




lets watch negroes fight eachother


Kill yourself self hating faggot


Macron is literally a former Rothschild banker, France is a ZOG entity that is subordinated to the American ZOG. Therefore, supporting Niger and all the other African countries getting rid of the French/Jewmerican presence is objectively the correct stance on the matter.


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>another day thanking god i wasn't born a nigger


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>I remember in 8th grade a black kid saw a world map and pointed to Niger and then screamed nigger until the teacher told him to stop or however the pink slime is cooked


Self determination of all people's, CHUD



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