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/health/ - Healthy Living

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that's not what the lyrics says


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the arrow was added by dolls pet nigger red or something


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gooning is good goon to 'p


full one?


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full one

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Here is the first step to getting in shape
>Leave /health/
>never use it
>go to the gym instead
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the shape in question:


die nigger


So glad I don't look like this anymore


I never looked like that because I am a gymcel.


literally me

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Im sick right now how do I healthmaxx to feel better ASAP


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Eat an apple, go for a quick 10 minute walk outside, get plenty of rest and go to sleep early.


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Eat GlyNAC and Liposomal Vitamin C


ginger does wonders for a sore throat



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my back hurts like a 70 year old man and i'm not even an adult yet


stop eating sneed oils and get infrared light (from the sun or from strong LEDs like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LCmewrWp9k )


stop taking it up the ass fag

Made through Tor

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Even tho he's anti goyslop


only watched the video for 5 seconds and its already gemmy


He looks like he just hopped out of Hyperborea




he's vegan so his whole process is pointless knowing the harm that you can get from veganism

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I can feel the arthritis developing in the top joint of my index finger on my dominant hand
It hurts when I use it to write, and I'm worried it's only going to get worse with time
I'm only in my early 20s teens what the fuck do I do

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King Jesus. My heart is yours.
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Flood detected; Post discarded.


I thought he was half Greek or whatever doe.


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Thou practice in health, but not practice faith is futile

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soypill me on coffee
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>nothing will stop me from enjoying my coffee time
<20 minutes later
>ahhhhhhhh my asshole is a waterfall now!!!! why didn't I listen to my fellow chuddy's and stop drinking the devils black tar when I had the chance?!?!?!?!


Milkshakes are infinitely better


I used to drink like 10 cups of coffee every day, I was totally fine. I will probably start drinking coffee again soon but only 2.5 cups

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I just had the most painful shit of my life. My asshole burns and my guts are wrenching in pain and I'm screaming in agony.
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I hate niggers




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Eat an organic chocolate bar or drink some hot coco, they're great at making such experiences less 'shitty'.


everytim I shit my hemimerids pinch it off and it feels like poop goes back into my ass


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Everyone has it once in a while

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Eath green peppers chuddies, they are healthy
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my wife kana


good advice


Anime is a chronic disease


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So just post diet related videos or whatever? Okay.


Green peppers taste like grass. Why would anyone eat them, I refuse to believe they are somehow healthier than ripe peppers.

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