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/health/ - Healthy Living

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soypill me on coffee


heckin wholesome and WEF approved to give you that Boost You Need in the Mornings™


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Vitamins are waaaaaaaaay better at giving you energy and it really boost your /health/ without being addictive and won't make you like picrel


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if you can drink the cheap shit then you can suppress appetite with it preventing you from snacking on overpriced zogchow, and then you can eat a white man's meal when you actually need to eat


>hummm yeah you should take X because it supress appetite
AnorexiaTROON fucking kill yourself you just need discipline you fucking idiot


which vitamins doe?


black coffee is a delight when you hit your 30s and you need a workday boost and appetite suppressant in 1 because it's easy to become a fat fuck after your metabolism slows down

You get into trouble the more milk and sugar and bullshit you add into it. But a little doesn't hurt if you arent a tough guy like me


>muh black coffee
ask me how do i know that you're an amerifag that thinks his dirty water is real coffee




Yes, I pour cold brew from a carton. I don't need an extravagant press or prestige beans. I -prefer- a properly made coffee, but this is just what I have day-to-day at home. It does the job.


Coffee with regulation is a healthy delight , i drink it since i was a child


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nothing will stop me from enjoying my coffee time


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>nothing will stop me from enjoying my coffee time
<20 minutes later
>ahhhhhhhh my asshole is a waterfall now!!!! why didn't I listen to my fellow chuddy's and stop drinking the devils black tar when I had the chance?!?!?!?!


Milkshakes are infinitely better


I used to drink like 10 cups of coffee every day, I was totally fine. I will probably start drinking coffee again soon but only 2.5 cups

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