This thread is for the purpose of informing people how to do your sport/workout/job. Anything that requires a regimen or special advice. Think of it like /SIG/ but the teacher is talking? Reverse Requests? If you have experience or knowledge to offer, do it here. It can be about anything that requires special knowledge not just physical strength, but fitness is universal so… I used to be an academic in school, but I was forced to do track in HS, and had a fucking top tier coach. I ended up doing it year round for 4 years voluntarily. As an adult I can't really do it right now but one day I will go back to it.
this was originally a much smaller response to
>>461 but it got too big and decided it may be more valuable to flesh out on its own. or not, I'm not very concise unfortunately.
>don't have the genetics of a sprinter?>can't stand super long distance runs? >not very coordinated?>lower body stronger than upper body?>does your school have a running club or track program?Post too long. Click here to view the full text.