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/health/ - Healthy Living

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Just want to be in the first 1000 posts

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Does vomiting actually make you look more slim or is that just something women made up


Do not do it hurts the lining of your throat and makes you look sick and uneasy, only temporarily makes you skinny but in a unstusianbel way


Are you retarded


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It's bro science sista science and not recommended, just eat healthy and avoid corn syrup.


>inducing vomit hurts le lining of your throat even doe women do it every day and they weight 50 lbs

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couldn't have just called it /h/ or something? retard


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>you MUST have single letter board names
>you will NOT have a board name be a word that tells you immediately what its about
>why? because… erm… uh… BECAUSE THATS HOW ITS DONE ON 4CUCK!!!!


op btfo



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is eating dead nigger babies good for you






Probably best protein you could get


no because nigger meat contains HIV

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give me ideas for gems RIGHT FUCKING NOW I NEED IT



uhhh uhh uhhh idk


Chud in a kimmoto drinking tea vs cobson drinking coke I guess?


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Not OP and no idea wtf a kimmoto is but I made this

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This thread is for the purpose of informing people how to do your sport/workout/job. Anything that requires a regimen or special advice. Think of it like /SIG/ but the teacher is talking? Reverse Requests? If you have experience or knowledge to offer, do it here. It can be about anything that requires special knowledge not just physical strength, but fitness is universal so… I used to be an academic in school, but I was forced to do track in HS, and had a fucking top tier coach. I ended up doing it year round for 4 years voluntarily. As an adult I can't really do it right now but one day I will go back to it.

this was originally a much smaller response to >>461 but it got too big and decided it may be more valuable to flesh out on its own. or not, I'm not very concise unfortunately.

>don't have the genetics of a sprinter?
>can't stand super long distance runs?
>not very coordinated?
>lower body stronger than upper body?
>does your school have a running club or track program?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


touch grass


Did I make a shitty post?


>run runjak, run!

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blood is the official drink of /health/


unironically nutrient dense superfood


Do not do this probablybiet

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anyone here ever tried a protein only diet to lose weight?


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that would just kill your muscles about as much as keto kills your fat
source: video essayist fun fact


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>what's protein poisoning


I lost 60 lbs in 6 months eating 1200 calories and about 150-200 grams of protein, so like 2/3rds protein


If you are talking about the "carnivor diet", then yeah. I have tried it for a month and I lost weight fast.
The problem is that you have to be VERY careful what you consume (no carbs, sugar, dairy products ect) since if you slip with some suggers or any sort of carbs, you might start to get health problems.


hehhh??? your body can use carbs, fats or proteins as fuel. carbs are most energy dense, and protein is hardest to convert to energy. so you have to eat a much higher volume of beef to get the same caloric intake as bread or something, and even then your body isn't used to processing that. the transition between your previous diet and your new diet, whatever it may be, has a possibility to induce serious fatigue as your body adjusts to digesting and metabolizing different energy sources. (I personally think some of this has to do with gut bacteria levels readjusting to suit the new internal environment.) keto would have the same effect for the same reasons but not as pronounced and starting sooner since bodies burn carbs first then fats then proteins last. calories in calories out is true, and works in a sterile lab setting, but practically, these diets work for a reason. it's just harder to get more calories in on these diets.

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ohio ahh board no one will use but i hiked like 8 miles today
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


3 because it was pretty hilly and i wanted to get pictures


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Silly ahh brutalism hike 💀💀


where is this located?


noice i wish it wasnt flat in the midwest

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is it gay or bisexual to be a vegan or healthy

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