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/health/ - Healthy Living

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I like being outdoors. On Thursday and Friday I'll go on hikes and post pictures here.


looks ripe breeding grounds for BBC conquer


Where is that?


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do a backflip

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I’m currently drinking beer and eating pizza


that's nice. It's ok to be fat and lazy goy.

Made through Tor

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i just ate a lead ball lole


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oh my goddd dude that's poisonous


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no way!

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Sooty soot ❤️




gem get


toasting in le epic get


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he won.

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Give me a qrd on your top 3


>1st link: talks about health benefits of infrared from sunlight (intracellular melatonin)
>2nd link: about everything
>3rd link: about how everybody has Taurine/Vitamin K2/Glycine/Magnesium deficiency
>5th link: about parasitic infection that large % of the population has


>no health champions


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Natural Hypertrophy is also really good

Marcus Follin/aka The Golden One (picrel) is a legit white nationalist, he has a telegram too
https://www.youtube.com/@TheGoldenOne I really like the part where Mark Follin says "its Follin time" and then he starts Follin all over the place!

this guy posts Mike Mentzer stuff, which is really cool



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Is it actually okay to eat bugs, or not?


no they have Chitin and other shit

just eat Grass-fed beef
and eat Pasture-Raised Eggs, only the ones with this label are actually allowed to be outside and get sunlight, etc.


bugs are very good for ze environment and beating ze russia


luckiest trips


i got trips because I DROPPED A TRVTHMOAB

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My hip bones are 13 inches
Should I get surgery




no you should transition

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I lift for busty 'fe foids
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Physique reveal NOW


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okay buddy



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I think I took this pic in May, but it might be older


Based thread btw

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Where should I buy protein powders ? I got mine from myprotein (white chocolate) and I don't taste very good
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what did I do :000


the least obvious fed


why are you gymcelling, just give up already and rot


kill yourself crabs in a bucket incel subhuman


this grass-fed whey protein doesn't taste bad and its higher quality

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