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Go soy-free or you're picrel

Read every ingredients label, anything that has soy in it, reject it.


You should also reject high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, and other such chemical goyslop.

Do replace it with real sustenance, and physical activity of some sort, otherwise you'll go from american lardass to frail/weak, instead of manifesting your full Tartarian-Aryan vril potential by becoming a gigachad.


What's wrong with MSG though


Archetypal resonance. What's the E number of MSG again? Rhetorical question.


Since you didn't answer, retard, it's 621.

If you eat MSG you're consooming matter that's infused with the etheric~astral energy of e621, it makes you more likely to be a coomer, hence why all the coomer weebs are constantly shoving MSG-containing ramen down their gullets, and when you're a coomer, the archons feed on your lost vril from every time you coom


Holy schizoerald


wtf is this schizo shit? MSG is bad because it has glutamate, a neurotoxin


If the schizos cut out goyslop because they think it connects you to yaldabaoth then why stop them from cutting out goyslop?


Just ate food cooked in pure soybean oil and theres nothing you can do about it because id beat the shit out of you.


Would you, now?

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