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/health/ - Healthy Living

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File: 1691964853143.png (186.82 KB, 979x791, impjakpremierprotein.png)ImgOps


Are premier protein shakes any good for you? I used to drink one once a week, but i just got the ick! and stopped consooming it.


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simply put, you need 0.5 grams to 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. You need this or else your body won't have the resources to produce Glutathione (#1 anti-oxidant in the body that basically is equivalent of health)

so if you weigh 130 lbs you need to be eating at least 65 grams of protein a day.

whey protein is very healthy to do this with.


I dunno I only buy the cheap $20 protein powder from walmart, protein powder quality is not that necessary if you train hard and eat enough, maybe it matters if you don't want protein farts or something.


Protein powder quality is kinda important because if you get a really shitty one it'll literally just be taurine powder


Thanks for the input, then Premier protein is a good choice to get the protein intakes i need?



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i mean, you're getting your protein, but you're also getting this shit that may cause cancer like "Folic Acid" and "Sunflower Oil" and god knows what other things are listed, hopefully not preservatives/gums or some other shit that fucks up the liver and stomach

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