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/health/ - Healthy Living

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Is it ok to take melatonin everyday? my sleep schedule is really fucked (going to bed at 2 ~ 4am), I tried going to bed early like 9 or 10pm but that only results in me taking like 2 hours to fall asleep just to wake up feeling like shit.


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yeah, but you should only take 300mcg (which is equal to 0.3mg). If they only have 1mg at the store then get that and then cut them tablets in half.

in studies this works just as well if not better than high dosages, also this prevents hypothetical situation where your brain stops making melatonin due to getting flooded with too much melatonin supplement.

but I suggest you get an infrared light panel, or at least look into this (scientific term is "photobiomodulation")

95% of the melatonin in your body actually comes from the mitochondria in cells, if you shine infrared light (doesn't need to be from an LED, the majority of the sun's energy is infrared), then your cells start producing an absolute fuckton of melatonin.

watch this, on aliexpress you can get full powered panels for like $120-$300 depending on size

personally I use this one and I don't regret spending on it at all because it works so well, but the chinese versions are cheaper than mine https://gembared.com/collections/all-products/products/gembared-groove-red-nir-light-panel

always makes me sleep way better, works better than melatonin pills, also it treats stuff like back pain or depression/anxiety as well.


>yeah, but you should only take 300mcg (which is equal to 0.3mg). If they only have 1mg at the store then get that and then cut them tablets
in half.
The lowest dose I could get on my hands are 3 mg and I can't cut them in half cuz they're pills instead of tablets
Also thanks for the infrared panek thingy, I'll try to look for some online


Unironically, no. Melatonin can screw you up overtime. That’s why places like trader joes don’t sell melatonin bottles anymore. Drink chamomile tea instead. They don’t cost very much.


just be slightly careful if ordering from china or random vendors because a lot of the listings do not have the actual LED strength listed.

going by model number/brand is probably a safer option, like this one from the video


yea, OP if you want to try pills then you might have better luck with a simple Lemon Balm supplement or CalmAid (a lavender oil extract). Tea works fine too.


niggaz who take melatonin are the same type of niggaz who think squirt isn't pee

dumb asses

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