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/giga2/ - Gigachads

Open for the weekend
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>GODanitors had to make SECOND board because they were too incompetent to bring back the first one
<Actually they made a new one because they dont wanna see posts by oldfags who post coal.

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>tranitors had to make SECOND board because they were too incompetent to bring back the first one


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>/giga3/ when?

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>Having fun is.. LE SOY


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>because...IT'S JUST IS, OK?

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100 GET thread
20 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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nazi win


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it's an absolute shame pedophiles won the GET, but i will dearly wait for the >>111
or >1000 GETS in hope of a better win.


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claiming the get for pedophiles again


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>Im gonna post my thread again

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>Im gonna post my thread again

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We need a Chad 'ru.

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<Which way will you go?
>Neither. I prefer esoteric Hitlerism


Hail victory! Hail the unconquerable sun! hail Wotan! and Hail Hitler!



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>You feeling okay bro? You drank waaaaaay too much last night.
Nah, I'm doing fine. Here fix your hair before we start drinking again.

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☦ Christ is King ☦

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