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Bern on the 'log


BWC girl when she sees your tbp


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Tranny thread


Manly thread



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oooh shiny


tbps won't like this one


Chuds are white so fail


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She'd never kiss a tiny wakandan pecker, meds and BWC


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White cock only


Nigger cock only


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Ginger cock only!! Lady Bern only fucks red hot ginger cock. You may also refer to it as GGC- Giant Ginger Cock. Bern loves redhead dick so much that she traveled the sea of fragments to play with Battler in Umineko. She's GGC Exclusive!!! It's true. Bern likes GGC because its even bigger and whiter than BWC.


so true


This is meant in relation to the cum that dies on her feet by the way


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Aryan babies feeders


Her baby feeders are clearly White however


Please kill yourself


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>Mi, that's what you getting for hogging all those BWCs for yourself


Can't believe Rika would do this, the hunt for BBC is so fierce with these snowbunnies, no mercy for the weak it seems


The Buck Breaking Cock fucks bucks not bunnies, besides Rika is a cat.


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Miracle witch


the BWC girl

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